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Today started like any ordinary school day, the only difference is that I was going to start attending a new school called Bayville high. Both my parents had recently gotten a better opportunity for their jobs so we had moved here, though I wasn't complaining life where I used to live wasn't very good. For some reason everyone at my old school liked to pick on me, but I'm really happy that I moved here to new opportunities for everyone. my mom my dad and me, and we all can change our lives for the better. I got out of bed and got dressed in what I thought was one of my cutest outfits which was a white flowy summer shirt dark washed skinny jeans and black sandals. My sense of fashion may have been odd but I liked it. Once satisfied with my attire I walked downstairs to make my lunch. My parent's had already gone to work but they had informed me that they would be home before I got back from school so I was alone at the moment. I made my lunch pretty quickly, it was easy considering I'm a pescatarian which is someone who won't eat meat except for fish, of course in my case I couldn't eat meat as it makes me really sick much like those who are lactose intolerant. I put my lunch in my now not so empty backpack before grabbing my house key and walking out of the house. I had managed to get half way down the block before I suddenly got a splitting headache and my ears started ringing as well. I closed my eyes and gripped my head in pain as I stumbled a bit. 'why does this hurt so much?' I thought to myself gritting my teeth from the pain. After a couple seconds the pain and ringing both went away just as fast as it came, I went to reach out for the wall that was on my left so I could regain myself only to find that it wasn't there but instead it was an electrical post. I opened my eyes in confusion from the material I was touching only to be even more confused, I was in an alley way not to far from school. " How did I?... Whatever I need to get my books for classes" I shrugged off the confusion as I kept walked forward to school unaware of who had seen me just randomly appear.

Kurt's POV

I had teleported to the alley way closest to school starting to walk until I saw a girl appear at least 10 paces ahead of me. She was stumbling and gripping her head in what looked to be pain but what I found most interesting was the purple particles that emanated and disappeared shortly after her arrival. I watch as she reached out for something to lean on as it appeared she was no longer in pain, though as soon as her hand had touched the electrical post she looked at it confused. She looked at her soundings in front of her still seeming confused, "How did I?... Whatever I need to get my books for classes" she said shrugging off that she had suddenly got there. I waited till she turned the corner before calling the professor.
"Hello Charles Xavier speaking" I heard on the other end when it stopped ringing.
"Professor I zink I just vitnessed a newly mutated mutant. Did you get it on corebro?" I had asked still looking off towards were she had disappeared from sight for school.
"I was on my way down before you called, but now I know it's a girl thank you. You should get to class before you are late.
"Your velcome und I vill professor" I said before hanging up and running to school.

641 words

teleporters love (a Kurt Wagner-nightcrawler x reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now