meeting kurt

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Kurt's POV

After school the professor had Jean, rouge, Scott and I meet him in corebro. It didn't take long for sis and I to get there as Jean and Scott got there before us "you vanted to see us professor?" I said as I walked up to him "yes, it seems that the girl you saw teleport this morning is indeed a mutant. She had used her powers 4 more times since you had called me this morning, I can only assume she didn't know she was using them." Just then corebro went off showing that the girl had used her powers again as the professor put the helmet back on "this is quite peculiar" he said "vhat is it professor?" I asked quite curious "it seems teleporting is not her only mutation, I'm assigning you 4 on a retrieval mission. Our teleporter friend has teleported to the school and I need you to get to her before the brotherhood." With that said I grabbed everyone and teleported us to the X-jeep since I couldn't teleport as far as to the school from the mansion.

-le time skip to the high school-

We arrived at the school and as soon as we did I started teleporting around to try and find her, I still didn't know her name but I knew what she looked like. Finally I teleported to the gym the only place I hadn't looked till now though as soon as I had gotten there I saw her in the exact middle of the gym, she was also unconscious not to mention looked different from how I saw her this morning, she had Horns, wings and a tail which in my eyes were beautiful. "Guys I found her, she's unconscious in ze gym" I radioed to the others not listening to there responses as I walked to the girl who lay before me. I crouched down in front of her "beautiful" I whispered as I looked at her face and moved some of the hair that was in front of it. She was much prettier having a closer look, she seemed at peace wile unconscious though I couldn't help but frown seeing the dried tears. Not a moment later rogue Jean and Scott came running into the gym with a stretcher to carry her in but froze upon seeing her, they seemed shocked to see her mutation. "Are those, demon wings?" Rogue asked in her obvious southern accent. "No, I believe zey are more like a dragons. Look you can tell by ze zickness of her tail as it gets closer to ze base." I said wile gesturing towards her tail. "Well what ever they are like we still need to get her to the mansion." Scott said walking towards me and the unconscious female with the stretcher in hand as we both lifted her on it, if it wasn't for the draconic features she probably would have been lighter. As soon as we had gotten her on the stretcher I looked back at were she was laying noticing a good sized dent in the floor were her head was. "She must have teleported from ze ceiling and landed head first" I said pretty much thinking out loud "most likely the cause of her unconsciousness" jean said using her telepathy to help in carrying the girl to the Jeep.

-Le time skip to the mansion-

By the time we had gotten to the mansion Scott and I carried the unconscious female to the infirmary were Dr. McCoy was waiting for us so he could run the tests he could wile she was unconscious. Given she could teleport McCoy suggested I stay here with her when she wakes up and to tell him when she does.

Dovahs POV

My eyes slowly opened as consciousness slowly started to come back but as soon as I was fully awake a wave of nausea over came me as I cupped a hand over my mouth wile I sat up quickly. "Here" a voice said before a bucket was placed in front of me just in time for me to empty out the contents of my stomach, a hand was patting my back as the person with me also held my hair back wile I vomited the contents of my stomach. It didn't take long till I was done but I still held onto the bucket as I was shaking from how much I had emptied out of my system "do you feel better now?" The voice asked wile handing me a cup of water, I nodded as I grabbed it and drank the whole cup. "Thank you" I said as I held the metal cup to my chest, "you are quite velcome, but do you feel better zough?" He asked once more as I nodded yes in response " my head just hurts is all" "vell before McCoy gets here I am going to make sure you don't have a concussion, so I am going to ask a series of questions. Is zat ok?" the voice had asked, he seemed concerned for my well-being so I could trust him for now. "It's ok, go ahead and ask what's needed." I said as I turned to face my speaker, though as soon as he came into sight I blinked in surprise as the beholder of the voice had a clip board in his hand. "Vell ze first question is vhat is your name?" I couldn't help but look at his mouth as he spoke, I couldn't understand why but my gaze was directed to his fangs. "Um hello? You still zere?" He said  grabbing my attention once more. "My apologies I zoned out for a moment, what was the question again?" "Vhat is your name? Zough it is not specific I zink it means your whole name." "Oh my name is Dovah Fent Alok, also are you a talking blue monkey?

991 words

teleporters love (a Kurt Wagner-nightcrawler x reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now