final mutation

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The school day had gone quite quickly, though I had gotten the same headache and ringing at least three times since the first time all of which left me in a different area and in confusion on how I had gotten there. When school was out I had decided to see what this school offered for clubs, I'm happy I did to as there was an art club that met Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays and a reading/writing club that met on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Though I could have gone to the art club today they had cancelled it for the day. After I had signed up for the clubs I wanted I started walking home though I hadn't even gotten to the doors of the school when the weird headache and ringing came again. "Not again" I wined as I closed my eyes and gripped my head gritting my teeth from the pain. But like the last 4 times the headache and ringing went away as fast as it had came. When I opened my eyes I found myself in the middle of my room as I looked around confused. I put my backpack on the floor as I headed downstairs and as luck would have it as soon as I got downstairs my mom walked threw the door with some groceries in her arms. "Oh hey honey, when did you get home?" She asked with a smile as she walked into the kitchen to put the food away. "Oh uh about a minute ago" I said though my mom knew when I had something on my mind. "What are you thinking about? Already make an enemy?" She teased with a slight laugh to her tone at the last part. "What? No I still have yet to make friends. But um.. I was actually wondering something.. something about my birth parent's." I stood there fiddling with my hands getting nervous about asking my question. Mom immediately stopped what she was doing and faced me letting me know I had her full attention. "Um.. were um.. is it.. do you.. do you know if one of them were a uh.. uh mutant?" I asked still fidgeting with my hands "I'm not sure, that's something you would have to wait till your father gets home. Why did you want to know?" I was debating on telling the truth or not but since I wanted to know I decided might as well explain what I've been experiencing. "Well since this morning I've been getting these little migraine flashes and ringing but the strangest part is that when it goes away I'm in a different area than before. So I guess what I really want to know is.. if.. I'm a mutant" by this point I was looking at the floor. "Oh honey you should have called us about this, your father knows a good man who can help." She said holding my shoulders gently as to comfort me "h-how do you know?" I asked looking up at her somewhat scared and confused on what was happening to her. "Your uncle was a mutant before he disappeared" I was almost speechless at that, both mom and dad were single children and have no siblings so that could have only meant my birth parent's. "I.. have an uncle?" My mom nodded " you got to meet him once but you were only a baby so you wouldn't have remembered him, he was your birth father's half brother so I can only assume you got your mutant gene from him. We wanted you to meet your uncle again but he disappeared 2 years ago here in Bellview." I was once again speechless "I have to say I'm surprised you hadn't asked about your birth family till now." I still hadn't a clue what to say so I guess I would have to wait till dad gets home. My mom had seen me trying to process so she went back to putting away the groceries. I started to walking to the living room only to collapsing to the floor in agenizing pain.

3rd person POV

Dovah fell to the floor crying and screaming in agenizing pain. "MOM!" She yelled as her body felt as if it were on fire. Her mom ran into the room hearing her cry for help "Dovah what's wrong?" Her mother asked somewhat panicked not knowing what was wrong with her daughter. "IT BURNS! MY BODY IS BURNING AHHH!" Dovah screamed gripping her head as dark grey horns began to grow atop her head, and not soon enough black wings began to grow from her shoulder blades and a thick black tail grew from the base of her spine. With one final scream not only was Dovah done fully mutating but she had teleported somewhere her mother did not know purple particles left and disappeared from where she had been on the floor.

822 words

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