moving day to a new school and home

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After accidently insulting the fuzzball and freaking out a bit that I was actually a mutant another fuzzy blue guy walked in "blue ape" I said before covering my mouth, I had only meant to say that in my head. The big blue man chuckled "well you wouldn't be to far off I do look like a blue ape. My name is beast the kids call me Dr. McCoy. And I can see Kurt was checking for a concussion, you can finish once I finish the check up" beast said as he walked closer before unwrapping one of my wings "amazing! I suspected you had a healing mutation but I didn't think it worked nearly as fast as Logan's." I looked at him quizzically "your wing had been broken and now it looks like nothing had happened" he said as he felt were it was broken I bit my tongue trying to keep from laughing as it kinda tickled "are zey ticklish?" Kurt asked seeing the face I was making, I simply nodded as beast stopped touching my wing. "They won't be as sensitive once you've used them for a wile" beast said as he walked in front of me testing my reflexes with the little medical hammer thingy. "I'm not to fond of heights" I said as I poked my fingers together "angel would be able to help you with that" "who?" I asked as a light was shined in my eyes "angel is a mutant vith vight vings" Kurt said as he simply sat on the other medical bed "I still don't know who that is, I only moved here Friday." I said as beast finished what he needed to "sounds like a lot of unpacking, with your healing factor I doubt you would have a concussion. Kurt why don't you take her upstairs to meet everyone" beast said wile he turned to Kurt who sat up excitedly. " Of course! Come Dovah everyone vill love you!" Kurt said as he jumped to his feet and offered a three fingered hand to me, I stood up takeing it befor we had teleported to the main entrance of the house "hey look zere's bobby, BOBBY!" kurt said calling to the boy named bobby who turned around and walked out of the hallway to us "sup kurt who's the dragoness" bobby said wile winking at me though I made a face clearly stating I wasn't interested " Bobby zis is Dovah, Dovah Bobby. Bobby has an ice mutation und vith your mutation it's probably best if you keep a bit of a distance" Kurt said with a smile before we moved on and he introduced me to everyone as his hand remained in mine, it was kinda nice though I could have let go at any time though I didn't for some reason. "Und finally we have ze professor" Kurt said before knocking on a large set of french doors "come in" I heard a males voice say from the other side. Kurt looked at me with a smile before opening one of the large dark oak doors. "Ah ms Alok I've been expecting you, please come sit" the professor said from behind his desk and in 2 of the 3 chairs my parents turned around "Dovah!" "Mom! dad!" I said excitedly as I let go of Kurt's hand running the short distance to my perents as we embraced each other in a hug. "We were so worried about you" my dad said as he hugged me tighter "I'm fine now dad" I said wile they released me from the hug. "I know we just moved here, but" her mom started not having the heart to finish "your mother and I feel it would be best if you stay here for a wile, so you could learn and understand your mutation" her dad finished as I instantly felt sorrow fill my whole being at those words. "There is no need to feel saddened child, you will still see your perents just not everyday. This school is a safe place for all mutants alike and different, this is an environment that allows you to use your powers freely and without worry of being found out. But its also up to you whether or not you want to stay" The professor said trying to reassure me. "Well if my perents think it's what's best for me than despite my feelings of wanting to go home perhaps I should stay. I feel like I might burden them with my um my current condition." I said as I looked at the ground "oh honey you could never burden us, we just want what's best for you and being a mutant is not a condition it's an adaptation for better survival of the human race. You may be different but you are still human, just keep that in mind don't think down upon yourself for what you are." My mom said as she gently held my head to look up "we will love you despite your physical appearance, you are our daughter, you may be adopted but we wanted you and no one else. we chose to raise you as our own and we will continue until we can't no more." With that I started to shed tears before embracing my mom in a hug "I'm going to *hic* miss you mom *hic*" my mom just hugged me as I cried on her shoulder "I'm going to miss you too my little dragon" she said using my childhood nickname as she stroked my hair till I calmed down and by that time my dad had started to hug me as well. Soon enough my tears stopped as my dad wiped what was left away kissing my head, "as soon as I was informed of what happened I repacked your cloths and your favorite books so you could move in easier, I know the professor and everyone can take care of you. Your mom and I will visit as often as we can but never be afraid to come back home every once in a wile." My dad once again kissed my head as he and mom gave me one last squeeze saying there good byes before leaving. "Kurt, would you be so kind as to show Dovah her new room?" The professor said as my gaze went to Kurt, I had completely forgotten he was there "of course I vill professor" Kurt said with a smile his tail slightly wagging before holding his hand out for me to take so he could lead the way to my new room. I took his hand noticing his tail wag even more, honestly I thought it was rather cute. Kurt led me down the halls before opening a door to a large bedroom "wow this is my room?" I said walking in first noticing it's size and then noticing the size of the bed, it was a California king which is the biggest one anyone could get. "Why such a big bed? I'm tiny" I said looking over at Kurt who stood in the doorway. " Ze professor zinks zere is a possibility zat you can shift into a dragon, Mr.McCoy zinks ze same zing but zey don't know if it will happen on its own or not." I looked back at the bed before looking at myself in the mirror. "I guess that makes sense" I said before looking at Kurt "do you vant help unpacking?" He asked walking to the boxes at the end of the bed "sure" I said with a small smile.

1270 words

teleporters love (a Kurt Wagner-nightcrawler x reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now