Wild Ones

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A/N: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I'm discontinuing this story, and I decided that I would publish the chapter that gave the name for this book as a thank you and a real goodbye :) just a warning, there will be a lot of loose ends in this chapter because I didn't write much of this story at all 🤪


   It had always been just us; but at the same time, we were rarely alone or together. We were connected in a way neither of us had understood until now. Sitting under the limelight of a neon sign, we finally knew. Whether or not we were strangers forever or strangers together, one always coincided with the other.

   Like waves crashing against the shore or the moon circling the Earth, it was meant to be. Inseparable. When one was without the other, something was wrong. If you believe in it, you would call us soulmates. You could say we tricked fate, yet were always destined to be connected.

   Walking down the streets, it would be odd and out of place if you saw the fiery red hair without those kind hazel eyes next to them. Everyone knew we were meant to be, before we even knew it ourselves; but somehow, it was simply unexplainable. No one knew how they knew, they simply did.

   The sounds of the small town falling asleep for the night filled the open air. The sounds of crickets chirping and buzzing in the grass all around us, the sounds of cars travelling from A to B, the sounds of the neon lights flickering above us, and the sounds of our breath mingling together. We fit together perfectly, it was undeniable. Like puzzle pieces, clicking together in any way possible.

   "Shirley, let's go somewhere."

   "Where did you have in mind?"

   "This nice, totally fancy, expensive rooftop restaurant."

   "Ah.. sounds magical. Let's go."

Smiling at each other, Gilbert helped me up from the stairs and grabbed a blindfold from his pocket.

   "Before you ask, yes, it's necessary. I can't have you figuring out where my secret destination sits." He claimed as he stood behind my and tied the cloth around my head.
"I'll lead you, just trust me. It's not far from here."

   "Y'know... I don't recall there being any 'rooftop restaurants' around." With a teasing smile, I blindly linked my fingers with his as we started our walk. Beside me, I could hear him hum, as if considering my statement. Oh, how I loved his voice.

   "Well, Shirley, that's because it opened up recently. Let's say, around five minutes ago." Although I couldn't see, I swear he checked a fake watch on his wrist.

   With a laugh that Gil deems entrancing, we reached a staircase on the side of the building.
   "Now, because I don't want you to get hurt, you are allowed to pull the blindfold up enough to see the stairs. But you can't look around because that would spoil the secret."

   Making it up the stairs carefully, I was met with the sight of the top of Gil's apartment flat. Of course, I wasn't going to let him know I knew where we were. Instead, I marveled at the strategically set picnic blanket. It was covered in food and drinks, surrounded by tiger lilies, and set underneath the stars.

   "Oh, I love it! Thank you Gil." I whispered to him as a smile stretched over my face.

   He smiled a genuine yet nervous smile, walking to the corner of the roof as I sat down on the blanket. Soon, the enchanting sounds of 'Fly me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra filled the air, surrounding us. Turning, I watched as he stood next to the record player for a few seconds before grinning and making his way to me.

   Sitting, I leaned my head against his shoulder as he poured me a glass of homemade lemonade, setting it down next to the basket full of sandwiches and fruits. Sighing in content, I shot my gaze to the sky after taking a sip of my drink, lacing my fingers with his.

   "If this is how the rest of my life is going to be, it will be more than I ever dreamed was possible." I spoke softly, thinking back to the days I thought nothing like this would even be possible.

   Hours later, finishing off the food and most of the lemonade, he finally replied.

   "Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, I know I'm nothing special, and I know that despite what you think you deserve so much more than me, but you are all I could ever want. You are what I desire, day in and day out. To me, you are the most perfect being in existence, and I would be the luckiest man to ever live if you would spend the rest of your life with me. Anne, will you marry me?" The declaration came pouring out of his lips, yet all I could find myself doing was studying the raw sincerity in his eyes. I smiled softly, slowly, and I raised my free hand to his jaw, my thumb caressing his blushing cheek.

   While my smile become uncontrollably bigger, I leaned forward and rested my forehead on his, whispering the one word I meant more than any other.

   I was more excited for my life to come than I ever was before. The man in front of me, who had moved his hand to cover mine that was resting on his jaw, was all I ever yearned for. He was the sole object of my desire, the one thing that completed me. In the times when I tried to push away my feelings, or the times where he was who I was angry at, he was still the one person I inexplicably wanted by my side. And now that dream was becoming a reality.

     I was marrying Gilbert Blythe.

     And I had never been more thrilled.

   We were the wild ones, always on adventures, running around, but always together. For that is how it was meant to be. Gil and Shirley, Shirley and Gil. We would follow each other anywhere, always full of support for the other's dream. Dancing through prairies, running with the fireflies, singing songs meant only for the other person's ears. We were the only people in existence, born from the wild, and stayed that way. Even the way we existed together was unabashed and wild, but as long as we were together we would be okay.

     Wild ones together was infinitely better than wild ones apart.


Ok so I actually love this chapter, and I'm so grateful for everyone who loves this story, so I decided to fix it up a bit and post it for you! :) Let me know if you would be interested in a wedding chapter between them, but know that if I did write one it really would be the end of this story.

If you enjoy my writing (I can't imagine you do but I also have really low self esteem so) then I have two other books up!

-Tragical Romance is another shirbert story that I haven't published in a long time (I'm working on it oop)


-Orenda which is a Harry Potter Marauders era fanfiction of Sirius Black :) it's the one I'm currently focused on and have more of an interest in, but I'm slowly finding my way back to awae and shirbert so yay !

- clo

Wild Ones (shirbert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora