Chapter 1

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"LET ME GO!" I watched as Punk and John held my daughter down, I should tell you how this all started.

It was 10 months ago and my daughter Lizzy wanted to travel with me since me and her mom got a divorce but ever since then she doesn't talk a lot, she keeps to herself and doesn't talk or hangout with anyone but me, John, Punk, but mostly The Miz... But there's something that makes her angry when she doesn't get it, Hereon. Yea Hereion, but about 2 weeks ago we made her quit and since then she wouldn't talk to anyone but Miz, she would get pissed off so easily and if you pissed her off she would attack you... Other times she would have a anger meltdown, she would punch and kick holes in the walls then she would just destroy everything in sight. And that's why John and Punk are holding my daughter down.

"Lizzy please stop!" She broke out of John and Punks grip and ran out of the room, we split up looking for her.

I was looking in the very back of the arena and I saw Lizzy sitting in a dark corner crying and holding her hand. I ran over to her and sat beside her, "Lizzy honey..." She put her head into my chest and cried, I put my arms around her and saw her hand, it was covered in blood.

"Lizzy what happened to your hand!?"

"I punched the wall, I'm sorry dad."

"It's ok baby girl." I looked at the wall an saw bloody marks and a small hole in the wall, "We need to get this looked at L."

"Will you come with me?" I stood up and helped her up, "Duh you dork." She smiled a little and we walked to the medic that was in the arena.

"Well Randy it looks like she broke her hand but she other than that she'll be fine." I said thank you and the medic wrapped her hand up and we walked out.

"You hungry L?"

"A little.." We headed to catering and it was kinda empty. I took Lizzy to a table a little further away from everyone else then got us some food.

"Here you go L."

"Thanks dad." We were eating when my phone rang.

"Hey L, I have to go talk with someone real fast." She nodded her head, "If you leave just go back mine, Johns, or go get Mike from locker room." She nodded her head again and I left.


Randy left so I was alone, I took my phone and went to twitter but got bored then put my phone away and watched everyone that was in here which was Cody, Dolph, Jericho, Christian, and Zack... I didn't really know any of them but Dolph, I saw Cody get up and walk over here.

"Hey Lizzy."

"Oh hey Cody."

"So why you over here all alone?"

"Well I don't really know anyone but Dolph that's here." I started shaking and Cody noticed, "You cold?"

"No.. It's not that kind of shaking." He thought for a second, "Did you quit?"

"Quit what?"


"How did you know that!?"

"Jericho, almost the whole locker room is talking about how you freaked and punched 3 holes in a wall and how you went crazy on Randy." I could feel the anger building up and me having IED that Randy gave me wasn't helping.

"Who started it?"

"Jericho." That was it, I got up and walked over to Jericho, Dolph, Christian, and Zack.

"What the fuck Chris!"

"Calm down Lizzy!"

"No! And why the hell would you say all that shit about me and tell everyone about my problem!?"

"I got bored." He leaned back in his chair.

"You got bored so you tell the whole locker room about my drug problem! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

"Come on Lizzy, clam down." I lunged at him and started punching him in the face, people tried to pull me off of him but they didn't know what I was capable of. I busted his lip open and gave him a black eye then made his nose bleed, people kept trying to pull me off Chris but they couldn't, until I felt 2 big arms wrap around my waist and pulled me off Chris. I tried to fight out of it but they were to strong, I turned around to be face to face with Mike, "Lizzy, please calm down!" I stopped struggling and saw everyone leave, "Lets go somewhere where we can talk." I nodded my head and Mile took my hand and walked around until we found a closet, we went in.

"Lizzy.. What's been going on with you? When I first met you you were happy but quiet, outgoing but kept to yourself, you were amazing.. Now your snapping on everyone and you don't talk to anyone unless they talk to you."

"I don't know! And when you first met me I was putting on an act, I acted like I was happy to please everyone! I'm just so.. so... UHH!!" I felt tears roll down my face and Mike whipped them away.

"Hey hey hey, it's ok. I'm going to help you through this ok? I can't stand to see my favorite girl cry... Now let me see that smile I love." I smiled just a little, "Come on! You call that a smile!" He started to tickle me and I started laughing, "There it is! Now come on, your dad is probably goin crazy wondering where you are."

"Yea, he does that a lot." Mike opened the door and we walked out and he put his hand in mine and I looked at him and he smiled and kept on walking, "Hey Lizzy?"

"Hey Mike?" He let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist when my ex walked up to me, "What do you want." I said coldly.

"Want to get back together? I miss you." I felt Mike tense up.

"No you loser! Why in hell would I go back to you when you cheated on me with 2 other girls!"

"Come on Lizzy! Just give me another chance!"

"Fuck no!"

"Why not!?"

"Cause she's mine, now back off before I kick your small balls off Zack." Mike stepped in and Zack left.

"Thanks Mike."

"Your welcome, and listen I wanted to ask you something?"


"I've liked you since you came here so maybe you wanted to go out some time or.. yea.."

"I would love that Mike. I didn't think I would be this happy since I moved in with my dad." He blushed a little and we walked into my dads locker room, he looked PISSED. He looked at me with anger.

"Elizabeth Lee Orton your in so much trouble." He used my full name, I'm in deep shit.

Randy Orton is my dadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ