⍋7. Find Your Love: A Romeo and Juliet Inspired Tale

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"But to top it all off, here he was again, putting his personal needs and satisfactions aside so he could be emotionally available for Minx." - BreBangtan


Primium impressionem (16.5/20): Damn, that title is as long as a wingspan of an albatross! All the jokes aside, I love the first part and I think it goes well with the story itself, but I'd highly advise you to remove the A Romeo and Juliet Inspired Tale and place it on the cover as a subtitle, maybe in the description as well. I understand that you wanted to pull in the readers by telling them you got inspired by Shakespeare, but there are other ways I already mentioned that you can use instead.

Your description is concise and straight to the point and I must say I like it a lot! The little details you can add are their names or find a way to describe how their families are sworn enemies, something among these lines:

He is a drug lord on the rise. She, the daughter of none other than the Moon family, belongs to the son of a Kingpin. Their love is forbidden.

I like how you warned me about typos and said you kind of ploughed through the book, it was a cute anecdote! Oh, I almost forgot about the cover - it's simple, I have to admit that. It didn't really spark my curiosity or make me want to click further right this instant. Why? Well, the colours of the effect you or whoever made this cover chose are a bit bland and not grabbing my attention. That's also the reason why the already small and lean font of the title and your name doesn't pop, the white colour blending it further in. So, nothing a bit of exposure can't make much better and more eye-catching!

Et compages grammatica damnationem (15.5/20): I'm so sorry hun, but I have to be a bit hard on the score here. There are a lot of typos, and I mean when I say a lot. Be honest with me - this is your first draft, right? There's nothing wrong with publishing first drafts, I do that myself, but you can run your chapters through any online grammar checker and get rid of the basic punctuation and spelling errors, excessive ellipsis as well as incorrectly capitalised words and other tiny mistakes. It's free and available, why not exploit it and make your work seem much more professional?

I'm happy that as the time goes on, more and more people here focus on correcting their grammar. Yes, English grammar and everything that comes with it is tedious as hell, but what can we do - it became a worldwide tongue, so we have to be as proper with it as much as we can. You'll fix these typos in twenty minutes tops, it's a small investment and it gives back a lot more than you might think, trust me!

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