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Nobody's pov.

It was night France and UK left for a while and leave the kids alone which is SUCH a bad idea everybody is asleep except for America he looked over his pills that he was supposed to take but he dump them in the toilet and flush them, he looked at the piece of paper he found and ripped it apart, that's where he got an idea he decided to make milk and cookies while everybody is asleep he pull out some ingredients for making cookies and then he found rat poison America smirked and put the rat poison on the table.

He started making cookies mixing stuff he added rat poison and minute later the cookies were done and to make it look cute he used frosting to make it look cute
He open the fridge and pull out some milk he dump a lot a poison in and then pour some milk. He pick up the plate and go to Canada's room which he was asleep.

America awed while making a creepy smile he put the milk in Canada's mouth ( FAMILY FRIENDLY) Canada shot up and swallowed "A-ameica what are you doing up?" Canada stuttered America smiled sweetly,"

"Oh I'm just here to give you cookies," America chirped Canada gave him a puzzled look why was he giving him milk and cookies in the middle of the night "here take a cookie!" America said it so happily.

Canada was unsure he knows how his brother is
America looked so innocent so he took one cookie and took a bite..."oh this is good never knew you know how to bake...it also has a weird after taste," Canada explained.

"Do you like my cookies they're made just for the you I put a little bit of sugar....but lots of poison too..." Canada jumped at that comment "W-WHAT?" It was too late Canada was dieing, America was just smiling just watching his own brother die while he's humming a song.

"Ashes, ashes, time to go down~ " America tucked Canada's dead body and make it look like he's asleep America walked out of the room and realized what he had done "am I really gonna kill my whole family?" He thought he shrugged it off he went to Australia's room he was awake of course, America was holding a piece of cloth dipped in melatone which makes them dizzy and make them pass out.

Australia woke up strapped onto the bed he couldn't move he saw a figure standing over him he wanted to scream but his mouth was tapped shut America had a sippy cup filled with rat poison.

He took the tape off and made him drink the poison until Australia stops he died but no America didn't kill him he just out him to sleep ( A/N:no he definitely kill him)
His parents arrived home America quickly put the poisoned cookies and milk on the table and sit on the couch.

"America what are you doing up?"

"Oh I just decided to give you some cookies just for an apology of what I did..." America act like he was guilty France look at UK feeling unsure " um sure we'll try one son," UK smiled they sat down and ate a cookie but things started to feel weird.

They started coughing out blood, they were throwing up blood America just watched while his parents were dieing he saw that they're are red and blue lights the police were here America went into the kitchen and he found wine so he decided to drink it while the police is outside.

They exclaimed, America laughed it off and continued to drink wine later it was time for him to give it in he open the front door seeing the police pointed guns at him America out his hands up while one police man put handcuffs.


America was sent to school called K-12 (A/N: some of y'all know where this is from) America looked around the place while security still holding America tight do he won't go on a killing spree, he was pushed into a room filled with other crazy teens.

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