New student

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Gabe ____________|
*Gabes POV*
I was woken by my alarm clock ringing in my head. I sat up rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands yawning. "Crap...shouldn't have stayed up reading." I said quietly to myself. I got up grabbing my black rimed glasses and putting them on. I yawned once more before walking over to my closet grabbing a light blue sweatshirt with a picture of a cute talking cupcake on it saying 'eat me' that went down to my mid thighs and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put those on before going over to my dresser getting out a pair of black socks. once I was done I went into the bathroom taking a look at my messy black hair. I shrugged and brushed it down slightly before brushing my teeth. once I was done I walked down stairs with my galaxy backpack. I set the bag by the door and walked into the kitchen. No one was home.Of course no one was. no one is ever home. mom always works and my dads probably out doing drugs. I rolled my eyes at the thought.
There was a note placed on the counter. I walked over to it and picked it up reading it.
'Dear gabe,
Sorry dear I won't be home till morning. I left money for you do lunch and dinner.
Love mom'
I crumpled it up and tossed it in the garbage. I don't know how long I've been going through this. it feels like forever since I've been alone. I don't have friends and it's bad enough I'm being bullied. I shook my head and made myself a piece of toast before putting on a pair of black vans. I put in my ears playing music and started my walk to school.
*_____Time skip______*
I had soon made it to school. I was looking forward to the classes just not the other students. The teachers in every year know me and actually care about what happens to me. I had Mr. Jones first. Mr. jones teaches mythology and that's a class I take every year. I smiled happily and started on my way to his class, but as I was walking to the entrance I bumped into someone. I looked up into bright green eyes. with a quick sorry I started on my way again. I could feel the eyes of that guy on me. A blush spread across my face. 'what's going on? Why's my heart racing?' I questioned myself.
I had soon made it to Mr.Jones class and went to sit in the back by the window.I sat my bag on the back of my seat and sat down. I was the only one here other than mr.jones. I pulled out a book about werewolves and started reading. Soon others filed in, none sitting by me. I rolled my eyes and continued to read. the bell soon rung and the door opened one last time. I glanced up as my eyes widened. I placed my hand over my chest. 'what's happening to my heart?' I thought. Our eyes met but I quickly looked away and back at my book.
"Every one. we have a new student joining us today. Please introduce yourself." I heard mr.jones say.
"My name is Spencer silver." he said laud enough for everyone to hear. I could just hear the girls squealing when he talked. To be honest I could feel my heart race even more. I tried to keep myself in the book ignoring my hearts beating.
"Take a seat anywhere." Mr.Jones said
I could hear footsteps but I didn't pay attention to them. That was till I heard the seat next to me squeak. My head snapped up and my eyes mores to the desk next to me. There sat the boy with the bright green eyes.

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