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*Gabes POV*
I held onto the wolfs fur as it ran through the woods. Every time the wolf jumped I would always squeak.
About 10 minuets later we stood in a clearing near a giant lake. I sat up as my eyes stared at the lake as the sun was setting. I hoped off the wolf and walked down to the edge of the lake and sat down. The lake was glimmering and sparkling like a gem.
It was then that I noticed the wolf was laying next to me. I looked at the wolf as it laid it's head on my lap. "for a wolf your very kind." I said as a small chuckle came from my throat. The wolf looked at me like it understood me. I tilted my head slightly as I looked in its eyes. suddenly my heart started to race. I placed my hand over my heart and looked away blushing. "What am i doing. its a wolf for gosh sake." I said to myself. I heard the wolf whimper softly. my eyes looked down and placed my hands on its head. "sorry." I said smiling softly. "Can I call you something?" I asked the wolf. I saw it nod and I began to think. " about brownie?" I asked with a giggle as soon as I saw the wolf scrunch up its nose. "ok ok... um.. what about.. alpha?" I asked. I smiled when the wolf seemed to Nod at the name.The wolf lifted its head and licked my lips lightly. My eyes widened as I stared at the wolf. I chuckled softly and placed my forehead Against its head. "so cute." I said as warmth washed over my face.
I heard the wolf growl softly but stopped soon after. we sat there for a good hour just playing.
I took my phone out and looked at it.
"Ah crap. I have homework." I said frowning. The wolf got up and stood there waiting. I got the message and got up climbing onto its back.
It took us longer to get back to my house. It was like the wolf was trying to take its time.
I smiled as I placed my head on the back of the wolfs neck. "your so warm." I said into the fur. I Heard the wolf chuckle before it stopped and its ears went up. I held a confused look and looked around when I heard a growl. I began to grow scared as I bunched up his fur in my hands. "a-alpha. lets go. I-M scared." once I said that the wolf took off towards my house quickly. I held onto his fur tightly keeping my head down.
We soon made it back to my house. I got off alpha and placed my hand on its head. "I would like to see you tomorrow. please come back before sunset." I said placing my head against his. I felt alpha nod and I backed away slightly placing a kiss on its head. I backed up all the way and ran into the house locking the door behind me.
I ran up to my room looking out my balcony window to see the wolf still there but it soon turned and left.
I felt a smile creep onto my lips as I plopped onto my bed with a giddy feeling in my stomach.

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