Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV

Today I'm leaving for Yellowstone with my mom, dad, and younger brother. We had been planning this for an earlier day but had to cancel it when the virus came along. Thankfully, we found another date to leave so we can still go.

I turn on my music to my favorite playlist which contains all of the bands I listen to. There is some MCR, BVB, TOP, FOB, SWS, FIR, PTV, Paramore, Queen, Green Day, Kiss, Bowie, and AC/DC. My mom always laughs because just like my dads music taste, mine is extremely varied.

We are driving down there and we will be stopping at the Lewis and Clark Caverns first. Part of me wishes that we weren't getting a rental car so I would be able to practice driving more but at the same time I am glad because then I get plenty of time to just read fanfics.

----- Time Skip to Yellowstone ----

It's 10 AM and we just arrived at Yellowstone. It's pretty early in my eyes because I wake up normally around this time or later but for the rest of my family this is late. If it was up to them we would have left the hotel at 7 AM and been here for two hours already.

It's always fun to see the wildlife at the parks. When we pull into Yellowstone there are 5 antelopes standing staring down the hill to us. We are staying the night at Old Faithful Snow Lodge tonight and then we will head back out tomorrow morning because Dad couldn't take a lot of time off of work.

We go around the park and look at all of the hot springs along the road. We also get to see a few elk and a lot of bison.

Finally, at around 4:30 we get to our lodge. We bring all of our things up quickly and then we go to Old Faithful. (A/N: If you want to see any of the things I'm imagining you visiting I'm basing this off my trip to Yellowstone and the pictures as well as a video of Old Faithful will be on my art Instagram account @emo_creative_nerd)

We arrive just on time to see Old Faithful go off. I get a video of it and then we go get dinner. After dinner we go back to the lodge for a while before going out to walk around for a while and then watch Old Faithful again at night.

We get back to the lodge at close to 9:30. I stay up until about midnight reading before I attempt to go to sleep which proves really difficult with the temperature of the non-air conditioned room.

At around 1:10 AM an Amber Alert goes off waking me up. After falling back asleep and waking up a few more times throughout the night I wake up to my family coming back into the room at 8.

They talk about a wildfire in the park that we just barely missed which freaks me out slightly because of my fear of fire and that we are going to eat breakfast and watch Old Faithful once more before we leave. We sit down and watch it then we quickly leave to avoid the rush of traffic.

We leave the park and as we are driving I get an uneasy feeling that something bad is going to happen. It might just be the fact I keep seeing signs to be cautious for bison.

All of a sudden, I see something dark brown dart out in front of the car and I see my dad swerve and the car goes rolling and we end up in a ditch. I can't really move but begin panicking as I see my mom and dad laying completely unconscious without breathing and my brother unconscious as well although he was breathing.

I hear a car slow down to ours and I yell for help as much as I can. A guy who looks familiar comes running up to the car and towards my door. "No please get the boy on the other side of the car in the backseat first. He's likely more injured than I am." The guy nods and goes to grab my younger brother, Daniel. Another guy comes over to my side of the car and with the help of a woman they pry my door open and manage to get me out. With their help since my leg hurts to put any pressure on we move away from the car and the original guy carries my brother over to us.

I look at my leg and notice my knee is very much out of form to which I cringe at. I get a sympathetic look from all of them. They begin heading back to the car to try and get my parent when it begins smoking heavily and then the engine catches on fire. At that point I begin having a panic attack seeing as the uncontrolled fire that I am still way too close to for my liking and begin to get light-headed. The two guys run over to me and try instructing me to breathe deeply but I can't and then the world goes black.

A/N: Hey guys! The only reason I began writing this is because I feel like something bad is going to happen and in my head I end up going through all of these scenarios when I feel uneasy.

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