•Chapter 12•

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Date time!

Atsumu's POV

I watched Sakusa just look at me for a second before getting up and carrying me in his arms. He started jumping up and down all excited and it had me in shock to see this side of him. If I were honest I didn't even think he had this in him AT ALL.

I started to giggle and he did the same. He then fell onto the bed with me landing on his chest. He played with my hair with a smile on his face so I buried my cheek onto his warm chest. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before we started to speak again.

"Thank you Atsumu" I looked up at him and giggled. "No, thank you omi-omi." We looked at each other for quite a while and I felt myself leaning closer to him.

Then Sakusa's phone rang. He looked to where his phones was at and grabbed it. I got off him letting him get up to answer the call.

"I'll tell you the details about the date in just a moment, let me just answer this." I nodded my head and watched him leave the room.

Did we almost kiss?!

Sakusa's POV

"Is this Kiyoomi Sakusa?" The voice on the other end said.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I didn't recognize the number so I didn't have a clue who it could be.

"Oh yes sorry I called you on my personal phone number but I was one of the officers who took Shinsuke Kita."

"I see so is there something wrong?" The other side of the phone was quiet for a bit.

"So here's the thing, you said he sexually assaulted someone and we believe you. But he got bailed out this morning. We just thought we should tell you just for safety reasons." My eyes got wide and I felt goosebumps all over my arms.

"Oh uh thank you for telling me." I was quiet mad that they couldn't do anything about it but I let it go. "If anything happens please contact us immediately." I thanked them and hanged up. What am I going to tell Atsumu, I really don't want him to be worried or scared. If I tell him right now especially he won't have as much fun on the date.

I walked back into the room to see that Atsumu had taken a quick shower guessing by his wet hair. He seemed happy and not as spooked. But only time would tell if he can leave the past behind especially what Kita did.

"So about the date I want to leave around 12:40  to go eat. Then the rest is a surprise!"

"Okay then we should probably get ready right? I mean it's already 12:26." I nodded my head and went to the closet to pick out an outfit. "Atsumu you should go to your room to pick something to wear." He didn't say anything so I turned to look at him and he was just playing with his hands.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes instead?" He got up and walked over to where I was. "Sure pick anything that you like." I moved out of the way for he can get a better look at the clothes. We both had our outfits so one of us went to the bathroom to change while the other changed outside the bathroom.

Once we had finished we grabbed anything we would possibly need and after that we headed out.
I told Atsumu we could actually walk to the place since it wasn't far. While we were walking I reached over to grab Atsumu's hand, connecting our hands. His hands were cold so I squeezed it a little.

When we had finally arrived at a cute small cafe we walked in and sat down.

"What do you want to get Atsumu?" I held onto Atsumu's hand over the table since I just didn't want to let it go.

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