•Chapter 30•

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Waiting Room

Sakusa's POV

"Omi-omi stop that tickles!" Atsumu said laughing and squirming on the bed as I tickled his stomach. I started laughing along him as I saw how happy he was.

"Not until you give me a kiss." I said at him.

"Fine! Just s-stop or I'll die from laughing to much! He said so I stopped and watched as he sat up on the bed. He grabbed my face and pulled me in to connect our lips. He slowly moved his hands around my neck as I wrapped an arm around his waist to make sure I didn't fall.

Thunder was heard outside and you could hear the rain pouring on the roof.

We both melted into each other's arms and lips. As the kiss led from passionate to heated. I laid down Atsumu to where I moved myself to kiss his neck. I started to nibble on his skin as he gasped a little just from the touch.

I slowly moved one of my hands inside his shirt and played with him.
"O-omi~." Atsumu said making me go crazy for him so I lightly bit his neck making him release a gasp.

I raised my head up and looked at him. He has a faint blush on his cheek and his hair was all messy.

"I love you omi-omi."Atsumu said while cupping my face.

"I love you too my teddy bear.." I said before kissing him again.

A loud thunder was sounded in the distance..

Atsumu's POV

"Your husband is in a coma." The doctor said.


"I-in a w-what..?!" I said knowing I did not just hear what I thought I did.

"He lost quite a bit of blood from the head and from his leg which needed to be stitched up. He has some bruises on his right arm and his left got broken by the impact of the other car. Since he also took a blow to the head and loss a bit of blood it made him go into a coma." The doctor said before excusing himself to leave me alone with Sakusa.

I was still crying from earlier on and it still hasn't stopped, but after hearing that I felt completely numb.

The emptiness inside me took over as I kept replaying what the doctor said over and over again.

I don't want to believe that my omi is in a coma...

All because I was being selfish and stupid...

The tears started to drip down on my hands  but I still kept a straight face on as I let them fall. I reached over for Sakusa's hand and held it with both of my hands.

"I'm so sorry omi..I'm sorry that I'm a bad husband...I'm really sorry I lied to you.."

"But please just come back.."

I squeezed his cold hand and nothing happened. It was completely silent with me crying there...

Someone opened the door right after.
"Hey.." Osamu said looking terrible as he came in. I turned in his direction then looked back.

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