Timeskip P.3 (The End..?)

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Alright, Part 3, 2 more and I'm fucking done.


"Oh come on you explosion shit, why'd you have to do this?"


Speechless, he tried to attack again, but oh hey, he let his guard down so much that he got hit, with so much force he got driven into a wall, unconscious.

Shigiraki pulled out a Quirk erasing bullet, flicked it, and threw it onto Aizawa, it hit his leg.
Did the heroes lose? Did Shigiraki finally put an end to this? fuck no the heroes won because of the fucking poll, congrats.

He cut his leg to prevent the bullet from spreading, 100iq move I should say.

He flicked another bullet, but got blasted away by the one, the only explosion shit!


"Says the one who shouted at me for thinking about her."


"Well uh l-let's go!11!1!1!1!!1"
Bakugo, embarrased as shit, ran away from Deku, fucking bastard

Aizawa having Vietnam flashbacks about taking care of horny girl, ermm, Eri I should say, training her, and all that shit, he cant lose his quirk so he went hulk mode and tore the shit out of Shigiraki's hand, enraged, he grabbed a pocket knife and stabbed it in his eye, blood flowing out, slowly, like the blood from his head. (lol 16+ moment)

To Be Continued...

Hello, author-san here, sorry for another short story, I really got addicted to TF2 and have been playing and forgetting about this, sorry!

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