Timeskip P.5 (The End..?)

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Okay okay, I haven't made a story in years, but here's the first part of the epilogue, remember, no lemons, if you guys demand it, I'll have to sacrifice my sanity. By now you have realized its Christmas, so I'm on Christmas break for 1 month, so I'll try to finish this book as soon as possible, I'll make a few more chapters to keep you guys entertained, for now, enjoy!

Previously, on The End.. (4/5)

Izuku laid on the bed, unconscious..
Nejire came bursting into the room, crying..

"No, no, no, no, no... NOOOO!"
She cried on his arm, slowly tearing up..

"I'm alive... just very sleepy..."
He chuckled and coughed at the same time..

Nejire cried tears of joy to realize he was conscious, she came back to her room, happy to realize his crush was fine..

'That almost made me get a heart attack...'
She thought...

She laid on her bed, crying herself to sleep..

The Next Morning...

She smelt a very delicious smell, someone was cooking food for her, she wondered who it could be..
Huh... why does it smell like ramen..?

She saw a boy who made ramen when she was sleeping, she was curious what the smell was, before, it smelt like vegetables and uncooked meat, but after a few hours it smelled more pleasant, she peeked, but someone taped the door shut, someone whispered

"It's.. a surprise.."
The mysterious being chuckled.

She said, in confusion

"Go back to sleep, it's still 6 AM."

"Oh, okay.."
She tried to sleep, but can't, wondering who it was.

3 Unsleepable fucking hours later :)
She woke up to a rather, nice smell, the guy who taped her door shut was now gone, and opened the door to her surprise, ramen.

"Hi, I couldn't tell you what I was making when I was finished, I knew you were crying at the situation earlier so I decided to make some to calm you down a bit"

A note was left on the table, she still couldn't figure who it was, but she sat down and ate.

She heard a faintly voice outside her door, the 2 people had a conversation together, walking down the hallway, she jumped from her window to the ground and rushed to find those two (stalker moment)

Whenever those 2 felt uneasy, she would hide behind the thick walls where the doors were found.
She couldn't figure out who it was, but it was rather someone with greenish hair, walking down with someone.

"Is that him?" No, no it can't be, that guy has red-ish hair..
She whispered to herself, rushing to the next thick wall, she fell over.

"Ow! What did I hit..."

She looked in front and the two individuals are gone, she stepped on a tin can, someone must've left it.
Dissapointed, she returned to her room, all day, she couldn't forget that moment, she looked at her bedroom door, she saw a note.

"We met earlier, don't try to figure me out, get some rest first."

She went to bed.

To Be Continued...

Edit: well I messed up the spacing but whatever, enjoy the story

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