A New Beginning

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"How many years as it been? Five thousand? Six thousand? Each waking moment I'm being tortured and healed and tortured all over again. I've tried talking to other people here, but they just respond with screams of agony. The only person I've had to talk to these six thousand years is Lucifer. I guess he's sorta... my best friend."

 I've been standing in the same spot since I got to hell, roots were growing INSIDE my feet. My left arm was slightly decomposing. There was a glass table in front of me with Lucifer sitting on the other side drinking a large bottle of vodka.


:Hey john, *hiccup* ya sure ya don't want some vodka ma man?"

"Sorry Lucifer, you know I don't drink."

"Ba! Grow a pair and take a drink!"

"No thanks."

"Man, you got BORING! After a few thousand years it's like you don't have any emotions dude! Its sucks!"

"Yeah, well, your right. What was it you said when I first got here? "people change in hell". I think that's what you told me, and you were right."

"Lucifer snapped his fingers and a floating mirror appeared in front of me. I saw my emotionless face staring right back at me."

"Ya know john, *hiccup*, I think you should get a wife!"

"That's kind of hard to do considering I'm in hell."

"Hmm... your right! Ya know what? I'm gonna do you a favor!"

He stood up from the chair, the table and chair suddenly melting into a puddle of goo, the mirror shattering into bits and pieces.

"John, ya ever watch anime before?"

"Anime? No, but my little brother did, he watched some stupid crap."

"Hey! Anime ain't stupid! In fact, it's pretty fun to watch, I watch it all the damn time!"

"Okay, whatever."

"Anyway, I'm gonna put you in an isekai situation!"

"What the hell is an isekai?"

"Basically, I'm gonna reincarnate you a little early, but I ain't sending ya back to earth! I'm sending you to a secret place that the immortals are forbidden from entering, a world called "Verita"! Oh, and don't worry, you're not alone there! One of my kids are in that world, I sent her there as punishment for trying to kill me and take over hell! Anyway, basically, this world has a summoned hero, every time the hero dies a new one is summoned the next day, and there are two demon lords, the demon lord of gluttony, and my daughter, the demon lord of pride. But ya know what? I HATE it when the hero wins, its so stupid even though the hero caused so many damn problems in the first place, so, I want YOU to become the third demon lord! So, do me a favor and get really strong really fast before ya get killed, okay?"

"Lucifer, your drunk, don't send me into an isekai situation!"

"Don't be a wuss!"

Lucifer snapped his fingers, and suddenly, I was in a very dark place. I was-


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