another bad day

24 3 46

here we go again. its not like my entire life isnt made up of bad days but i decide to focus on a few when they get ✨quite✨ bad.

anyways its basically just my friends tbh. im sick of their shit and thm pretending to like me idk anymore. they jus leave me out of stuff on purpose and blame it on the fact that "i have a bf and im too busy for them"

but honestly i prefer hanging out with liam than them bcs at least he talks to me. whenever ny friends and i used to hang out they always used to talk to each other and i used to just be stood there listening in to the convos.

and the fact that one of my friends is all over liam just makes me want to rip her throat out honestly.

is it bad that i was never the jealous type before i dated him?

well today she tried to get him to hang out with him so she hit him up on snap and was like hey how you doing x. what u been up to blah blah.

and liam being the nice guy he is answere like ive not been doing much jus hangin out w malaika ykno

so she has the AUDACITY to say "srsly. hanging out w malaika?? shes boring cmon. you should hang out with me instead. how about tomorrow cus im free."

and liam was like no malaikas not boring shes my gf you shouldnt be saying that bcs ur her friend. and plus i cant and dont want to hang out w you.

and she was like why nott

so he literally said we are in the middle of a fucking pandemic rn and you want me to come over to your house like ur kidding right.

and she goes and says ur such a hypocrite bcs you go to malaikas house and she goes to yours.

(ok i bet your thinking she has a point or whatever and maybe she does but mine and liams family have been isolating for six months together. like not in the same house but our houses are pretty close to each other. for the first three month or smth we were strictly in our own houses bcs we both have vulnerable ppl in our families. but boris johnson (the prime minister) introduced this bubble rule  where you can make a bubble with another household to help out or whatevs. so mine and liams family decided to come together bcs it was only our dads who were working and we were both struggling a bit so we decided to help each other out. so the reason me and liam hang out is that and only that. we dont go out much but we go to each others house just to clear that up)

anyways back to the point. liam explained all this to her

and she goes "cmon cant you make one exception for me *with the puppy eyes emoji thing* you know im way better than her"

and he got annoyed them so he went off on a rant about in no way in hell shes better than malaika blah blah (which was pretyy cute)

and he said dont you check up on malaika bcs she hardly talks to you anymore

and she goes and says nah not rlly

and liam says what i thought you guys were friends

and she says well we are kinda but i cba to talk to her anymore. idk how you deal with her shes always so miserable around us

and liam was like stfu bitch ur her friend your meant to check up on why shes sad wtf. im her fkn bf and i check up on her all the time. if i get the slightest fkn whiff of her sadness then ill be there w her. and i thought she had good fkn friends.

so he went off on a rant and ended up blocking her on snap

and him being the loyal ass perfect bf he is he showed me all the stuff she said and now hes staying the night to make sure im okay m. srsly what did i do to deserve him

anyways idk what to do bcs i get the feeling that she hates me and i kinda hate her too but i only have like three other friends who always side with her so ill have no one except liam at school and the rest of the girls are all popular and get new bfs every week so idk what to do.

idk its been a rough week i guess and i have school in like 9 days so wish me luck :)

anywyas thanks for reading this if you did read it and if you did then im sorry you have to listen to my problems its just i have lidgit no one else to talk to about this so im just dumping it here.

oh yeah and to top it all off my mum said we might as well cancel my private therapy bcs she said im still depressed all the time and its not helping so its a waste of money but idk it helps sometime.

idk maybe im the problem here. bcs everyone seems to have a problem with me so idk

oh well night guys ima sign off for the day and chill w liam. we're gna have a movie night so thats one thing to clear my mind i guess.

anyways i love y'all stay safe and happy and healthy and ilysmmm

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