First Impressions

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She looked over at the girl, who looked like female version of Will. She really was drop dead gorgeous. Her midnight hair matched Will's, and her eyes were a beautiful shade of violet-blue. She smiled at Jem. He smiled back.


My first impression of the girl was- She's gorgeous. But so were many other girls. Though there was something different about her. He didn't even know her name, and a few seconds of zoning out later, Jem, his best friend, was smiling at her. And she was smiling back. Then, I felt something I've never felt before. Jealousy. It began to blossom in my stomach, and I had a sudden urge to talk to her.
"Whats your name?" I asked before I could help myself. She looked back at me.

"Tessa. Tessa Gray.", she said.

"Would you like us to help you unpack?" Jem said, before I could even think about that. Of course Jem would be the more thoughtfu one.

I walking over to the boxes, and picked up something familiar. A Tale of Two Cities. She liked the classics? No way, it was just one book. I picked up the rest of the box, and looked inside. It was full of my favorite books, from Wuthering Heights to Vathek. I love the classics. Books changed my life. And here was a pretty, classic loving girl. And I've already pretty much blown my chances with her. She probably thinks I'm some kind of cocky jerk.


Will's a cocky jerk.


"So, you like the classics?" I said carefully, trying to hide the fact that I was fully willing to launch into a conversation about Vathek. She said,

"They're amazing. But I wouldnt think you knew about them. A Tale Of Two Cities is my all time favorite." I tried not to start blubbering like an idiot about how I thought Sydney Carton was pathetic, but that Lucie shoud have loved him, not that imbecile Charles Darnay. "I...books changed my life. You have no idea. If you were willing to listen, I could speak to you for HOURS about Wuthering Heights or The Castle of Otranto." I said. "Do you like Vathek?" she said in a curious tone.

I tried not to explode.

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