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        I really like Tessa. And I didn't lie at all during the Improv skit. 


        I walked into the cafeteria hand in hand with Will, which got me lots of jealous stares and more Im hotter than her whispers. He squeezed her hand, and she squeezed his back. They sat down with Gabriel, his brother Gideon, Cecily, and Jem. 

        Lunch was going fine until Jessamine, Tatiana, Aline and Kaelie walked over and started talking to Will. They kept talking to only him and Jem, until Will cut in, "Could you give us some space, we still have to eat. Sorry." he said, turning back to us and gave me a 'HELP' look. I like that boy more and more every day. I grinned at him.

        He waited patiently for Jessamine and her cronies to leave. They got the hint and stalked away, glaring at me. Why me? I didn't do anything. Jesus Christ, the girls at his school were clingy. Lunch was over, but when I got to my locker, there was a note on it. Have fun now, bitch. But its gonna be hell for you soon. I'll make sure of that. -J.L. I showed it to Will, and he looked worriedly at it, and said,"Dont worry, anything she does can be returned to her. She probably wont try anything too bad with me by your side. You know, Jem and I are much more powerful than her. It'll be fine, Tess.". He smiled reassuringly. 


        I just lied to Tessa. I said that she wouldn't try anything too bad. I knew Jessamine. She would be out to get Tessa until she embarrased her beyond belief. No matter who was with her. But I didn't lie about feeding her shit back to her with 10 times the consequences. I wasn't lying about the part where I said Jem and I are much more powerful than her. 

        I'm worried for her.


        Did Will lie, or is he being serious. I know that he'll try to protect me, but I think she'll go all out with trying to ruin my social life. As we walked home, I saw her glaring at Wills arm around my shoulders. The next day in English Lit, we chose our books. I picked the slip out of the basket, and got The Castle of Otranto. I was really happy. Will looked like he was trying really hard not to burst into conversation with me about it. We both, obviously, have already read it. 

        Ms.Branwell asked if anyone had already read their book choice. Only Will and I raised our hand. She asked us to pick another slip. This time, we got Vathek. Will looked at Ms.Branwell and nodded his head that we had already read it. She showed us all the possible books, and we had read each and every one of them. So she gave up and let us choose. I wanted A Tale of Two Cities, but Will wanted Vathek. But being the gentleman that he is, he let me tell Ms.Branwell that we chose A Tale of Two Cities. Again with the I love him more and more every day thing... 

        Lunch came again. But no Jessamine this time. Then after not seeing Will for a long time, he came back ashen. I asked him what was wrong. "Stop it, Tessa. Don't you know I don't actually like you? Jesus, you think someone like ME would like a girl like YOU. Wow.... Bye Tess-Tessa, I mean.", he cringed and walked away quickly. What a....(&^($#&%. I thought. And to think I actually liked him. 

        As I walked home with Jem, I saw Will hanging back with some dye-blond, spray tanned girl, one of Jessamine's robots. My heart clenched, but I fought it back. As I went to my room, I started playing Gives You Hell  by All American rejects. When you see my face hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you helllll. When you walk my way hope it gives you hell , hope it gives you hell. I sang along with the window open.


        I feel like I've been beat up a million times and thrown down a pit of snakes. Each word I spoke to Tessa felt like knives in my heart. I had to though. Jessamine threatened her. I got to Tessa's locker early and saw another note. Still having fun, eh. Well its about to go down. Your pretty little face wont be so pretty after this. Watch your back. Stay away from my Will. -J.L. This was too much. I knew I had to end things with Tessa so that she wouldn't need to face Jessamine's cruelty. 

        I got home and went into my room, only to hear Gives You Hell playing really loud coming from Tessa's room. She was singing along, and I could hear tears in her voice. I thought I could bear her hating me, but I can't. This is too much. 

A.N.  I KNOW, I KNOW, BUT I HAD TO MAKE WILL MORE LIKE WILL BEFORE FINDING OUT ABOUT THE CURSE IN THE BOOK IN THIS FANFIC, BECAUSE OTHERWISE IT'D BE TOO OOC.    And if you haven't read the books (btw theyre AMAZING) then you wont know what I'm talking about. 

Worlds ApartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora