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        "Do you like Vathek?" I asked. It's another of my favorites. Will is a lot different than I thought. Do you know when you think someone is one way, but when you get to know them better, you start to like them more? I dont know if its just me.

        He said, in a tone that made me feel like he was trying to hide excitement, "Vathek is one of my favorites!!!! I could talk to you all da-" He was cut off by Jem walking into the living room, carrying yet another box of books. "How're you guys doing?" he asked. "Fine." Will and I replied in unison. Jem looked at us funny. "Right then, that was the last of the boxes, I'm heading home. Will, you get back soon too.", Jem said, leaving.

        Will looked back at me, handed me Vathek, and as he did his fingers touched mine. 


        Damn. She likes Vathek. Who even read classics today. I mean, basically all girls read The Fault in Our Stars, or some other mainstream book. Most don't even LIKE reading. They, in fact, hate it. And here is Tessa. She loves to read, and on top of that shes really quite pretty. With her chocolate brown hair, and gray eyes-no sometimes they have tinges of blue... I find myself really liking her. 

        School was to start in one week. I hope she has some of the classes I do. 

One week later...


        Time for school. I pick out a white blouse with blue jeans and Vans. I try to blend in and not be seen. I grab a gray beanie, and head out the door. I'm met by Will and Jem about to leave as well. "Tessa! Walk with us!", Jem shouts. 

        As we walk, I feel really awkward because as soon as we step onto school grounds, I get jealous stares. Whispers of, Why the hell is she with Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs, and Who is that and Dammit I'm so much hotter than her, why does she get to stand next to Will. I felt really awkward and asked Will why everyone was staring at her. "All part of the glory, Tess. Being with us means being popular. We didn't ask for it, it just happened." The only thing I heard was him calling me Tess. I had never been called anything other than Tessa, besides being called Tessie by Nate and Aunt Harriet. I decided that I liked it.

        Of course Will and Jem were popular. I looked to the side and saw Cecily. She was standing next to a handsome green eyed, brown haired boy, who was a full head taller than her. "THAT. BASTARD. GABRIEL." Will said as they watched him lean down to kiss Cecily on the cheek. I thought it was sweet. Will looked so furious that Tessa put a hand on his shoulder and said,"You know, they look really in love." Will looked at her, and if looks could kill she would be six feet under. 

        It turned out that she had nearly all her classes with Will, and almost as many with Jem. Only  in English Literature and Theatre was Jem not with them. Her first class of the day was Math. It flew by quickly, then she and Will headed to English Lit.

        There, she picked a seat and Will slid into the seat next to her. A really pretty girl was glaring daggers at her. "THAT is Jessamine Lovelace. She practically cakes on makeup, so her face is like a painting. I wonder what it looks like underneath that layer....shes definitely not that pretty naturally. Next to her is Tatiana Lightwood, half as pretty, but double the bitch. Then behind her is Aline Penhallow. The biggest female player and professional friend-zoner. Finally, there's Kaelie Fey. She's by far the nicest, but still not quite kind. I don't like any of them. But if you get yourself onto the bad side of Jessamine, your life is over. Rumors will be spread, your record will be stained by fake failed classes." Will said, worriedly.

        "Awwww, is the great Will Herondale worried about me?" I asked sarcastically. "Actually, yes. I like you, and I don't like seeing people I like get their lives ruined.", he said like it was obvious. I am so confused. Does he mean like a friend, or more than that. Oh, forget it. 

        The teacher turned around and said," My name is Ms.Branwell. This is English Literature. Turn to the person next to you. They will be your partner for the rest of term. We will pick books tommorow." Will tuned to me and smiled. Not ginned, not smirked, but smiled. When the period ended, we walked to our lockers to get books for Theatre and Science. As we walked to Theatre, Will grabbed my hand. I tried not to look surprised. When we got there, we sat down. The teacher introduced himself as Magnus Bane. We were supposed to call him either Mr.Bane or Magnus. 

        The first day, we found out our first unit was Improv. He called up me, Gabriel, Will, and Jessamine. "This is an improvisation on unrequited love. Tessa loves Gabriel, Gabriel loves Jessamine. Jessamine loves Will (she looked happy-Will cringed and looked annoyed), and Will loves Tessa." I must have turned beet red. 

        "ACTION! Gabriel and Jessamine, you're up first." "Oh, Suzanna, I love you you love me back? I have loved you for longer than I can remember....uh.....yeah." Gabriel stammered awkwardly. "NO! I DO NOT LOVE YOU. I cannot. I love someone else. I love Stephen! Please do not be angry!", she said in an awfully dramatic tone. She turned to Will and said, "STEPHEN, I HAVE LOVED YOU SINCE WE WERE EIGHTEEN.(A.N. I had to!!!) PLEASE LOVE ME BACK." she said in that same dramatic tone that was dripping in honey. "Um.....I'm sorry Suzanna. I love Sophia." Will said. "WHAT! YOU LIKE THAT BI-""THATS ENOUGH, MISS LOVELACE!" Magnus bellowed. 

        "On with the scene. Jessamine, to Principal Lightwood's office. NOW." he said. "Oh Sophia, I love the shape of your soul, the colors of your thoughts." Will said. "I cannot. I do not love you" I lied. "You cannot possibly hate me as much as all that-""I dont hate you." I said. "Then if you do not hate me, there is a chance you might love me." he said desperately. "I can't. I love John." The scene switched to me and Gabriel. "John, I love you more than I love my own brother. You must love me back" I said hesitantly. "I don't love you, for I love Suzanna. Though she neglects me, I still love her." Gabriel said much less awkwardly. She decided she liked him (A.N. as a friend, people. Tabriel aint gonna happen) too. Mr.Bane excused us, and Will winked at me. As we walked to lunch after a very ong, boring Science class made slightly less so because Will kept making faces and whispering things to her.

        Finally, it was her first lunch period at Idris Academy.



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