Chapter 7

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Henry leaped into action. He jumped towards the ink vat, landing in it and ripping the thick ink off of the swollen one's back.
It groaned in pain and disintegrated into the floor. Henry's clothes were soaked in ink now. He almost looked like Sammy. He violently shook his head, getting most of the ink out of his hair and off his face.
They placed the ink into the box and turned the lever to get a gear. Henry picked up the newly made gear and placed it in with the bridges other gears, causing it to work again.
Sammy and Henry climbed into the cart-like bridge and were pulled across a deep dark pit, that they didn't want to fall down into.
The cart stopped for a second, Sammy panicking, and Henry looking like he might puke at any given second.
The cart finally continued safely towards the other side and got out.
"You'd better hurry if you want to save them, they're having trouble staying in one piece." Alice's voice suddenly rang out loudly from the speakers, causing Sammy and Henry to jump.
They charged on, more determined than ever. They eventually got to a warehouse of sorts, that had carnival games and some weird haunted house in it. They saw a tape recording and played it.
It was the voice of Wally Franks, the janitor. He said something about the games being rigged to open the doors, and they would have to do that in order to power up the haunted house to continue on the way to Boris and Norman.
"I dibs the game with the gun!" Sammy yelled, running over to it. Henry shrugged and selected the one where you threw balls at cans.
Sammy was creepily good at the gun game, not missing a single target, and not shooting at a target more than once. Henry was good enough at the vah game, and was finished first so he went over to the hammer bell game.
One thing was for sure: after being in the studio, fighting and whatnot, he'd be able to pull this off perfectly, and that's exactly what he did. Sammy finished with the gun game, a satisfied smile on his face as he put down the gun.
They went over to the power cords and followed one along the ground to find door one. They walked through the door, talking to each other.
"Why do you think Norman was so protective over that one ink heart?" Sammy asked. "Maybe it was the very first one he ever collected or something." Henry shrugged.
There was nothing but a switch behind this door, and so they flicked it, and exited to go to the next door.
In here was a large room with a sort of balcony that Henry and Sammy were on, with a staircase leading down wards.
There was the butcher gang surrounding a barrel, talking in their own weird language. "What are they saying?" Sammy whispered.
Henry went over to the railing and accidentally knocked over an empty can. All three butcher gang members instantly stalked over to the can, inspecting it.
Henry and Sammy got the same idea and started collecting as much cans as they could. They went down the stairs to the butcher gang's back, and Henry chuckled a can into the small hallway on the right side.
They instantly went after it, and Sammy and Henry dashed into the left side hallway. There was a crying lost one in a cage, and they left it alone.
At the end of the hall there was a switch that they flipped. They went back and followed the cord to door 3. There was nothing but a broken down fair ride, and a table with a recording on it.
They pressed play on the recording, and listened to the voice of Bertrum Piedmont.
"The biggest park ever built, a centrefold of attractions,
Each one more grand than the one before it,
It makes my eyes come to tears at the thought,
But then...oh, Mister Drew,
For all your talk of dreams, you are the true architect, behind so many nightmares,
I built this park. It was to be a masterpiece. My masterpiece!
And now you think you can just throw me out? Trample me to the dust and forget me?
No! This is my park! My glory!
You may think I've gone...
But I'm still here!
The broken down fair ride's giant mechanical arms turned on and flailed around, trying to hit Sammy and Henry. It smashed the table in front of them, and an axe fell out from somewhere.
Henry picked it up and charged at the ride. Sammy watched, terrified, pressed against a wall. Herby smashed the last bolt and the ride broke down, defeating it.
They flipped the third switch and went to the fourth one. They entered a room that had ink up to their knees.
Nothing was in here, so they flicked a switch, then found another one at the top of a staircase, then left to go power on the haunted house.
They entered it and found a kart, so they rode it down a tunnel, and into a few different rooms. They entered a big room, and then the kart broke down.
They got out of it. "Let's keep going down the tunnel." Henry suggested.
Sammy nodded and they left down the tunnel, looking for anyway back upward to level 9. They left the room out of a door on the other side, and looked at a blocked off tunnel they were in.
"No! There's got to be a way back up!" Sammy cried. "Maybe the lift was the only way, and it's broken beyond repair." Henry sighed.
He leaned against the wall and slid down. Sammy angrily kicked the wall. "I HATE THIS DAMNED STUDIO!" He screamed.
There was a soft click, and a hidden doorway opened in the wall, leading to a staircase labeled level 9.

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