Part 18

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Oh but wait, I forgot to tell how Cole knew Mr. Morales. As said earlier, that he was three years older than me; he was a graduate and was already a junior agent under the association of SSDIWRASD (Secret Strategic Defense and Investigation Wing and Research Association of San Diego). As the name said 'SECRET' therefore Cole was an undercover agent and his wing commander was none other than Mr. Morales. He trained him and knew that he was close to Trevor's family; therefore he included him in this mission as he was sure that no one would doubt Cole.

I know that I left you all with one last question unanswered; that is, what is the real identity of Mr. Schofield/ Pfeiffer/Morales.

His real name is, wait for it,







Mr. Christopher Patrick Harrison. He was the son of the famous business tycoon and the richest person of San Diego, Mr. Patrick Andrew Harrison. Mr. Christopher Harrison was a self-made billionaire just at the age of 5. And now his real personality is that he is the Director of SSDIWRASD. But what about his fake identities? Well, I asked him the same question. "You see, I work for the government but secretly. I can't just go by my real name. So, Bradford Schofield was the name I used for, you know, passports, flight tickets, etc. I used Harvey Pfeiffer for a short while. Though I am the real founder of your institution." he replied.

"What? I thought that was also a part of the plan. You are really the founder of my Institution? 'The Heaven of Enlightenment', the most famous and prestigious institution of Los Angeles!"

"Yeah I know it's hard to believe, but I am the founder. Actually my dad used to help the charity. When he noticed that there was a lack of literacy in the charity, he had an idea of this institution. I executed his idea."

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