Chapter 3: Happiness Among Others

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Hanji's POV

The next day, Jim and Taiko couldn't face me. By the time I've woken up, they were gone. Left me with messages that they went off to school together. Early to not face me. Early to not ride with me. The thought of it-

"Hanji." I turned around to see Levi smile softly to me. His hands snaked around my waist as he pulled me closer into his warm body. "Don't mind them, Hanji."

"The fact-"

"I know- they left you." He said softly before embracing me with a heart-filled kiss. "But... you know what you need to start your day?"

I could feel my cheeks burning red when I thought of that one idea. Words wouldn't form- so they came as stutters. "Um... w-well... ah..."

Levi chuckled softly, kissing me and pushing me up the stairs once more. "Come on, it shouldn't be long. If we hurry, you can get to school on time and I get to work a little later than usual. I know it brings a smile on your face."

"Are you sure you're not just doing this for your own pleasure?"

Once more, his chuckles were just soothing. "Well, it's anything to keep you smiling throughout the day. If you hurry home today, I might take you out to a hotel and we can do our deeds in peace without the boys interrupting."

I kissed him gently, chuckling as I let him push me around. "Alright then..."

*   *   *

Jim's POV

"That... that does sound disgusting..." Alfred shook his head when I told them about my mother and our unplanned sibling. "How old are they anyways? 40? Something like that? Gross. I don't think my parents are still doing stuff like that. And they expect you to want a sibling?"

"Mom wants to keep the baby- though she doesn't want to think for us." I rolled my eyes. "Even Dad dislikes it, but he's still wanting to support Mom. How weird is that? Seeing your friend's mother, who is also a teacher, being pregnant."

Alfred gave a slight chuckle about it. "Yep- 'oh, Mrs. Ackerman is having a baby- after she had her 16 year old Jim-"

"Oh shut up- I don't want to hear about those words again-"

"What's going on?" We both jumped when we heard those stern words of Principal Smith. We looked up to see him a manila folder and looking down at us. Apparently, I inherited too much of Dad's height. If anything, I'm a splitting image of him. "What's this about your mother?"

I waved it off, scoffing heavily. "Mom's having a baby."

"Hanji's what?" He gave a puzzling look, realizing he called my mother by her first name. He never really did that unless the student is in trouble... but my mom? I've never gotten in trouble with Principal Smith. "Your mother's what now?"

"She's pregnant, sir."

"With your father's kid?"

"Who else?"

Rumor was that there was some sort of a tension thing between my dad and Principal Smith. Though it was just rumors. Some of the older teachers nearly flinched when they saw me. Accusing me as my father. Which was strange. Yes, I get that I look like my father and my father did attend the same school here... but... I've heard nothing but good things from my mother. So it sparked some curiosity for me to figure it out.

"Never mind." I waved it off. "How well do you know my mother?"

Principal Smith rolled his shoulders in embarrassment, I guess is how to phase it correctly. "We were former classmates. I was in the same grade as your mother before she graduated early."

"And my father?"

"He was well-known among the school." His eyes narrowed as his throat cleared when Mrs. Zacharias came on by. "Anyways, I need to prep for the school assembly next week. Stay out of trouble, boys."

He walked away when Mrs. Zacharias pointed at him curiously. "What was he off about?"

"He was questioning about my mother's pregnancy and all."

Her eyes lit up when she heard of that. I know she was a close friend to my mother- offering to babysit us when we were little... telling us to call her Nanaba and all- but really...? She was always Mrs. Zacharias to me. Taiko calls her Nanaba. 

"What's with you?"

"She's pregnant again? Really?"

"I know!" I gave in, shaking my anger in front of her. "She's going to give birth and she doesn't care!"

Mrs. Zacharias gave a slight chuckle and walked off to her classroom. Nothing else to say to me? Seriously? It seems only my friends and brother accepted the fact that this wasn't right. Maybe I'm talking to the wrong people. I'm talking to people who knew my mother- maybe there was hope that they would agree with me and be disgusted with my mother. I guess I would have to take it elsewhere.

*   *   *

Hanji's POV

"I'll pick you up after your class, Hanji." Levi gave me a slight chuckle when I got out of the car. "Set up that meeting thing with a doctor to figure out how far along you are and steps to take. Especially with your age..."

"I'm not that old, Levi." I chuckled softly, smiling towards him. "I got it- straight after work."

"You know what? Screw that." He gave me a mischievous smile. "I'll walk in there myself."

A heavy blush fell upon me. "L-Levi-"

"It'll be nice to look around those old halls. Hey- remember what we did in that secret-"

"Levi! No time! Gotta go!"

He smirked as I walked with a quickened pace away from him. He called out that he loved me, and I shouted that back to him. What awaited me in the school was unexpected. More so... I didn't expect my co-workers to know I was already pregnant.

*   *   *

"You didn't tell me!" Nanaba chuckled as she wrapped her arms around me. "You're pregnant again?! What?! I had to hear this from your son?!"

I pushed her arm away as I chuckled nervously. My hands carefully wrapped around my stomach. "Which son told you that?"


I rolled my eyes as my smile slightly disappeared. "Oh... him..."

Nanaba gently pushed me around with a smile on her face. "Come on- I don't support Jim's opinion. I think he needs to wait and see for what a baby sibling might me all about. He was really upset when he found out he wouldn't have siblings. Now he's upset for having siblings? Jeez. Oh well... Hanji."

She forced me to look straight into her eyes as she smiled brightly.

"Hanji, listen to me. Just because a brat like him doesn't approve of this- doesn't mean you let him push you around like that. You hear me, Hanji?"

"I hear you."

"Now- I'll order cake tonight and we'll celebrate at your house-"

I waved it off, chuckling a bit as students began to pool into the classroom. "Not tonight. I gotta go to a doctor appointment to check on it." I harshly toned down the baby part as the students leaned in closely. "Now, I got a class to teach."

Nanaba chuckled as she walked out. "Aight then. Students- be nice." Those were her last words before the bell rung and it was time for me to teach.

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