Chapter 13: Sister on the Loose

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Hanji's POV

"Shh, it's alright, Chyo." Those years when I struggled with putting young ones into their little car seat was non-other than just forgotten memories. I remember all too much- the struggles of those boys squirming and bawling their eyes out when they didn't want to leave the park or anything like that. "We'll go and see your brothers soon."

I'm not sure if she heard the term, "brothers" managed to calm her down or because she just ran out of energy. She stopped her squirming for a tad bit before I finally buckled her down. Now, months had already passed and she was growing big and strong. Today would be the day she would meet others.

*   *   *

"Oh my- she's adorable!"

Nanaba chuckled when I was bringing Chyo into the classroom with me. Her fingers twitching with anticipation to pinch her little cheeks- at least she didn't do that. 

"A little girl, huh?"

I nodded my head, gently caressing Chyo's soft and chubby cheek. "Yep- a little girl. I can't believe it either. Jim's still a bit... anxious about it being Erwin's child- so right now, they're discussing about how to handle it. Probably settling down with a paternal test."

"You're not worried?"

"Why should I be?" I smiled, taking Chyo out of her little cradle to hold her a bit instead of trapping her in it. "I only slept with one guy- and that guy is Levi. There's no reason for me to worry if I know they share the same father. Besides- I don't even wear revealing swimsuits near any guy I might have an interest in. My loyalty remains with Levi. No one else."

Nanaba took a nod and chuckle a bit. "Well, I got free time this period- I'll help oversee your classes- since someone is being too stubborn about putting their baby into child-care."

"W-What?!" I knew it was true, yet it was just completely embarrassing to hear it told to me. Not just this once, but multiple times. The first time was from Levi, then from Taiko, from Erwin, and now Nanaba? "Shut up- I'm not that stubborn-"

"That's a lie."


We let a laugh out once students started to file inside the room. I caught Jim's eye when he walked into the classroom, gazing at me. His eyes averted down towards Chyo with a soft smile. A slight wave before he took his seat. I would've wished a bit more of a wave- but the bell had rung. 

*   *   *

"Jimmy, can you watch her for me?" I asked while Nanaba was off helping other students with their work. I had to fetch the quizzes on my desk while all the students needed to study. "You don't need to hold her- I'll be gone just for a few."


I did just that. Leaving and coming back with papers in my arms. What wasn't expected was to see Jim being surrounded by girls and a few guys. I could see Chyo was in his arms- almost in a protective manner.

"What's going on?"

Jim quickly stood up, racing towards me with Chyo. "Mom. take her from me. Please. They've been trying to hold her ever since you left. Please, take her back."

I nodded and took her from his arms. The horde that once surrounded Jim disappear. Slowly walking back to their desks. I rolled my eyes, smiling towards my son. "Thanks, Jim. I'll give you a few minutes before giving your the quiz, alright?"

"Thanks, Mom."

He solemnly walks back as I cleared my throat. Nanaba helped back me up on this little announcement. "Since I refuse to put my daughter into child care as I teach, I want there to be limits on what you're doing. If you want to hold Chyo, then just ask. Don't wait until whoever's holding her is vulnerable. Please be cautious. Yeah, Chyo's just a few months old, but I don't want her hurt. Please think of that."

Jim gave a smile before prepping for his little quiz. Until then, I had multiple requests for girls and guys to hold onto Chyo- probably as a little good luck charm for their tests.

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