Chapter 18: No More Surprises

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Hanji's POV

"You scare me too much with that." Levi said coldly as he began to button up his shirt. I just walked out with a tester reading negative. "You know what? I'll start that thing up with the condoms, Hanji. I don't want to deal with another baby. Chyo's already 10. You're risky too much."

I looked down at the tester, nodding my head. "Yeah... it is dangerous... can you stop by the store before you get home? It'll be embarrassing to ask our sons for some-"

"Don't speak of that, Hanji." He scoffs before he walked towards me in a hurried manner. "I gotta go now. You got Chyo then?"

Nodding my head, I sighed heavily. Every other year, it seems she'll catch a bad virus. Then, I take the days off of teaching to stay home and care for her. Poor Jim and Taiko were already grown up...

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing!" I cheerfully pipped, chuckling a bit. "Go before you're late to work. Gotta be proud and flaunt your new title, huh? Go out and enjoy your new lifestyle there. You're my bad boy... turning good..."

Levi chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "Sometimes, I hate you. I hate you, four eyes."

"Call me whatever you want, I'm still your wife." Glamorously, I showed off the ring he gave to me on the day we gotten married. One last kiss... "Don't harass the newbies. I know how much you tease them on the first day, Levi."

His hand waved in the air as he walked out of the room. As soon as he left out of sight, I began to call little Taiko. He answered with, "Hello?"

I smiled, chuckling a bit. My eyes peered outside, seeing Levi walk into his car and drive off. "Hey, Taiko. The plan's still up? You guys are coming home? If so, I already got Jim's response from last night. He's on his way."

"Yeah, we're coming home."

"I'll prep dinner then. Ham?"


*   *   *

"M-Mommy..." I looked up from the oven to see Chyo standing with her cheeks paler than the moon. She held her teddy bear- that same one Jim had bought her since she was about 5 years old. "Is Daddy coming home...?"

I smiled, picking her up from the ground with grace. Though she was sickly again, I kissed her cheek and held her close. If I were to get sick, I would be happy to let Chyo know that she's not the only one who can get sick. That she's not the only one suffering in this household.


"Yeah, he's coming home."

Chyo nodded her head, perking up once we heard these knocks at the door. "I'll get it." She cried, running to the door with quick feet. "Huh?" She called out, quickly unlocking the door. The expression on her face... "Big Brother!" 

I smiled as Taiko embraced little Chyo, chuckling happily. "Ah, Chyo! You're getting so big- no boyfriends yet, huh?"

"What's a boyfriend...?"

"Taiko, better leave it alone." My hand waved in the air as I slowly walked towards him. "Oh... Taiko... you've grown so much! I can't believe it... oh- show me the little one!" I asked as his wife revealed a little baby boy in her arms. "Aw..."

Soon confronted by Jim, he chuckled as he returned home without a date. We chattered for a bit, preparing dinner until Levi came home from work. As expected, Levi didn't know a single thing. Nothing at all. It was until the clock struck 7 until Levi returned. Oblivious to the fact we set up a little surprise for him.

My sons greeted their father, and Taiko was able to show off our grandson to the grandfather Levi. Dinner soon turned out to be great- Jim becoming a good role model for Chyo. From the guy who hated her before she was born... now he loved her afterwards. 

Eyes were met with Levi during dinner- what I've given him was a gleeful smile. After all... we did promise each other no more surprises. Though I believe it was only towards having unexpected children once more. From here or into the future, what I believe is that Chyo was another great miracle in the Ackerman family. At last, I got my little girl.

ChyoMidoku, I hope you loved this story! Everyone else, please have an amazing day and thank you for reading this requested story! ^-^ You're all loved!

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