Chapter 17: Father and Daughter

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Hanji's POV

When word of Chyo being stuck within the hospital the whole night with Levi as a witness... how could I be such a foolish mother? Jim drove me to the hospital as I took a nap again. Comments of bags under my eyes were nothing but the truth. How much those bags grew... I couldn't believe it. 

"Levi- what's going on?" I asked, quickly running into the hospital room. Chyo was a sickly pale color, yet awake. She weakly smiled towards me, coughing a bit. "C-Chyo..."

"M-Mommy..." Chyo continued to have a smile as she embraced my kiss on her forehead. "Mommy... y-you're here..."

I smiled, kissing her forehead over and over. "Yes, Mommy's here. Mommy won't ever leave you again. That is a promise... I mean it, okay? This is a promise. Oh baby girl... I'm so proud of you... very proud of you."

Chyo smiled, coughing slightly with her mask covering her face. Giving her pure oxygen as she breathed. I looked towards Levi, passed out next to Chyo. Their hands were intertwined together, never letting each other go. I smiled, sitting on the opposite side of Levi.

"Daddy was here this whole time?"

She nodded her head. "Yes... cough cough... he went nigh nigh..."

"Nigh nigh, huh?" I chuckled, knowing it meant that he went to sleep. "Have you been sleeping? Have you?"

Chyo shook her head. "A-A little..."

I kissed her forehead, smiling softly and resting my head next to her shoulder. "Go nigh nigh then. Don't worry." I gazed up towards Jim, who was watching from a distance. "Brother is going to watch over all of us... because he's the big brother, right?"

"Of course." Jim chuckles, pulling out a teddy bear from his bag. "Mr. Bear will forever watch over you too. He'll be up with me. Don't worry about a thing." 

"Y-Yay..." Chyo said in a weakened tone. She then turned to her side, groaning a bit before she whispered a few more words before she completely passed out. I smiled, kissing her forehead before I slept next to her. She was completely, Daddy's Girl. But... she's also my little girl.

*   *   *

Levi's POV

I could feel some sort of tugging on my hand when I was sinking in darkness. Opening my eyes, the white walls blinded me. Yet the tugging continued. I turned to my side, seeing Chyo looking at me with wide eyes.


Immediately, I straightened by back and leaned towards her. "What's wrong, Chyo? What's wrong?" My hand fell over her growing-pale hand as I leaned closer. She just gave a weak smile as she coughed a bit more. "Chyo?"

Seemingly, words were attempted to form. "Mr. Ackerman? Mrs. Ackerman?" Hanji quickly woke up seconds after her name was called. A doctor walked in, speaking softly. "A word with the two of you?"

I nodded, getting up with Hanji by my side. Jim quickly took my spot as I walked off to the doctor. Word got out... Chyo was just having a severe... something flu-related. Thankfully, she wasn't going to die. She was never going to die. Her immune system was just weakened and was attempting to recover. The virus she caught was no longer inside her. Right now, she needs to sleep and recover. That's all.

Chyo was asleep when we walked back in... but I was glad to know... she will always be there.

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