The king's visit

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"Good morning, Lady Caladwen!" a passing elf wished. Caladwen then smiled in return before wishing the same back. She was on her way to Daeron's.

"And another day has started,
the sun as high as ever.
What shall the young elf do now?
Shall she see her love
or dance with the next passerby?

The song I sing is of her lover,
the young blacksmith over there.
His brod shoulders and his bright smile,
make any maiden gasp for air.

His big sea eyes and his dusty nose,
that's all I see in him." Caladwen sang while she skipped down the street.

"That is a lovely song."

Caladwen turned around and saw Daeron standing there, in his brown pants and blue linen shirt that matched his eyes. He handed Caladwen a bouquet of flowers that he had hand picked himself. Caladwen took in the sweet smell of them before smiling her white smile. "They are beautiful."

"You still outshine them, meleth nin(translate: my love)."

"What are you working on today?" Caladwen asked curiously. "The king asked me to forge him a dagger. He said he had seen my work and needed one."

"I will come back later then."

"Your presence is always a pleasure." Daeron smiled while tucking a strand of Caladwen's golden hair behind her pointed ear.


"Where were you?" Caladwen's father, Idhrenion, demanded from Caladwen, when she arrived back home. "I went to see Daeron, Ada. I am truly sorry if you needed my presence at home."

Idhrenion sighed. "I was worried. The king will come today." "Yes, Ada, I know. Daeron is making a dagger for him."

Idhrenion was surprised by that but he didn't let it show. "Will you please call your mother for me?"

"Yes, Ada."

Caladwen ran halfway up the stairs but when her father scolded that it was not the way a proper lady goes somewhere she slowed down and walked calmly the rest of the stairs.

"Hello, Nana." Caladwen greeted her mother, who was sitting in the study. "Hello, my beautiful iell." her mother, Laisidhiel, greeted her.

"Ada asked you to come downstairs."

"Yes, in a moment." Laisidhel nodded and closed the book she had been reading before getting up from the comfortable pillow on the floor and walking downstairs, gracefully.

Caladwen took the leather covered book in her hands. She read the title, that said: "Beren and Lúthien". Her mother had read that love story to her many times when she was still a little elfling.

It told a story of a mortal man and an elf maiden, who fell in love.


"Coming, Ada!" Caladwen quickly placed the book back and started running downstairs but then remembered her father's earlier words and walked calmly, though not as gracefully as her mother.

"Caladwen, could you take these to Daeron. He cannot wear his dirty clothes when he meets the king. And invite him to dinner." Idhrenion handed Caladwen a set of green robes. "To dinner?" Caladwen repeated.

"Did I not say that?"

"Yes you did."

"Then I ment it. Now hurry. And don't stay by the forge too long or you might get burned."

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