Old moon

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A fortnight had passed since Handion's unexpected visit. Daeron's actions had become even more suspicious but Caladwen thought that it was something to do with their betrothal. So she left it be.

But when Idhrenion announced his sudden travel to Minas Tirith every alarm bell inside her head started ringing. Something was definitely going on.

"Ada, could I come with you? I'd like to see Megildur."

"Not this time, Caladwen. We'll go another time." Idhrenion sighed while hoisting his bag on his horse, Seafoam.

"Ada..." Caladwen wanted to ask once more but instead she sighed and smiled, saying: "may the stars guard your travel."

And then he left. And the house felt quieter again.


"Caladwen!" a hussed shout came from under her open window. When she looked out of it she saw a familiar elf standing there. "Daeron." she sighed with a smile. "Come, meleth nin."

"Wait for me."

Caladwen closed the window and quickly clad herself in a midnight blue dress and a dark grey cloak to keep away the cold.


"The moon shines so bright tonight." Caladwen sighed in awe while she was walking side by side with Daeron.

"I'd look at it but I have a star right beside me."


"Meleth nin..."

They walked for a while until they sat by the river and Caladwen started braiding Daeron's long brunette hair.

"How long has lord Idhrenion been away?"

"If I haven't lost count then tomorrow it will be two fortnights."

"Two... It seems like only yesterday I saw Seafoam galloping by my workshop with lord Idhrenion on his back." Daeron fell in thought.

"Then sun will rise soon. I think it would be wise to return." Caladwen said and raised from the cold grass.

"I'd follow you everywhere, meleth nin." Daeron smirked and raised too. "You can start by following me to Minas Ithil." Caladwen laughed.


And after a few days lord Idhrenion returned.

"Ada!" Caladwen and Valadhiel shouted like from one mouth and both hugged their father. "My beautiful iells." Idhrenion greeted them and kissed both of their foreheads.

"And the light of my life." he then greeted his wife with a gentle kiss on her hand.

When Valadhiel and Laisidhel had retreated to their own rooms Caladwen followed Idhrenion to his study.

"Ada, I beg you. Tell me, what is out there that we should fear?"

"Caladwen, that is not a matter that should concern you." Idhrenion sighed and sat behind his desk, taking out his quill to write a letter to someone.

"But it does. I fear the unknown more than what I am aware of. Is there nothing, nothing at all, that you could tell me?"

"My daughter. Evil is lurking around this region but no harm will come from them because we are protected." Idhrenion tried to soothe his daughter's fearful heart.

"I feel like something will happen to us. Something in near future. Something far worse than death."

"Don't say such foul words, Caladwen." Idhrenion scolded her but she had already left the study to sit by her window until the sun rise.

The Flames Will Burn One Day/ Lacheana Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now