An Ent

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Caladwen had escaped the town and was now wondering in the woods alone. Her light blue dress was almost fully brownish gray and the bottom edge was torn and full of holes. She had lost one of her shoes and her golden hair had leaves and sticks in it.

She was out of tears, only the sad thoughts had stayed but soon they were gone too, leaving her emotionless and walk around with out an aim.

She soon found a hidden cave and stayed there. She made fire, drank the pure water from the waterfall but her heart was empty, the one she loved had betrayed her and her people.

She thought that maybe it would have been the best if she had stayed and died with her family. Then she could have been at peace even though she would have died like a mortal.

She prayed towards the Ilúvatar for three days and two nights that they would take her away from that world and let her live among her family.

Then an idea came to mind. She could go to the woods of Lothlórien and live there, away from the places that reminded her of her suffering.

She quickly brushed through her golden hair with her fingers and untangled the leaves and sticks from her hair.

She then bathed in the waterfall and washed her dress that she dried near the fire. And when the dress was dry she put it back on and walked out of the cave.

Her path was destined to be tough for a lonely elf-maiden but that was the only thing in her mind and it was set.

She had heard that the lady of Lothlórien was the fairest elf there had ever lived. She was also kind and Caladwen hoped that she would take her in so she could have a new home.

Because her road took her back towards Gondor, where the danger was still evident, she decided to travel in the shadows of the night and sleep or make a cape out of leaves and grass that would make her seem almost invisible.

She passed Gondor in six days and she seriously hoped that nobody was following her and that she could continue her travel in peace. But her heart was still shaking and her emotions were still gone.

When she made it to Rohan she felt a strange feeling in her heart. Like something warm had found place in her heart. And when she looked around a silvery-white horse was galloping towards her, Shadowfax.

She ruffled his mane before jumping on his back and riding away from the west at full speed, a strange warmness still in her heart.


Caladwen made a stop near a small river. She let Shadowfax drink and rest while she herself went to sleep, since it had been a few days when she last slept. She covered herself under the cape that she had made and soon she was sound asleep.

Her sleep was restless and filled with nightmares about her family's death. She still saw their dead body's, her father trying to protect his family.

She still carried his sword, even though she wasn't skilled in fighting with it. But it made her feel safer, so in her sleep she had it in arms reach,just incase.


When Caladwen woke up again, it was night time. She didn't saw Shadowfax anywhere and after a long time of looking for him, she decided to move on. The horse would find it's way.

Every sound that the surrounding forest made, scared Caladwen. It was almost as the trees were alive. So alive that she thought she was seeing them move around.

A low hum was heard and that made chills run down her spine. And then she saw something that made her freeze on the spot- a tree had eyes! Yes, eyes, dark brown with yellow in them. And he almost had a face, with a crooked nose and a huge beard.

"Hmmm... What is a little elfling doing in the forest alone?" The ent asked with a low and humming voice.

Caladwen just stared up at him. Her icey blue eyes were wide and the sword fell on the ground.

"Are you here to hurt me and my fellow ents?"

Caladwen quickly shook her head and raised her hands up.

"Can you speak, little elfling?"

Caladwen again shook her head, tears filling her eyes once more.

"Don't cry, little elfling. I am Treebeard. Come with me."

Treebeard helped Caladwen on his broad shoulder and then started walking somewhere with a slow and heavy step.

"Have you come from Ithilien, little elfling?"

Caladwen dried her eyes and nodded.

"Then you are a friend." Treebeard confirmed with a slow nod.


"You may rest here, little elfling." Treebeard helped her down on the soft moss. He then walked away and Caladwen quickly fell into sweet sleep.

Her dreams were mostly black sceneries with golden flecks here and there. They reminded her of fireflies that she had admired in Ithilien at night.

Megildur had captured one in the jar but when Caladwen begged him to set it free he fulfilled his sister's wish.

She then chased after it but soon the small but flew too high for her to reach. Megildur then placed her younger sister on his shoulders and walked back to the city.


When Caladwen woke up Treebeard was sitting on the grass, talking to a deer. "Run now and find your family." he said before standing up and watching the deer run away.

Caladwen rose from the moss and walked over to the ent, sitting by a river.

"Good morning, little elfling." the ent greeted her. Caladwen nodded at him but even when she would have usually smiled then her lips didn't move upwards not even single bit. Her face was completely emotionless, although beautiful.

"Would you like something to drink, little elfling?"

Caladwen thought for a moment before nodding to the ent. Treebeard stood, brought a wooden cup and filled it with water from the river.

Caladwen took the cup from him and drank the water. It tasted sweet and when she looked at the cup, she thought that it had a gold sparkle in it.

And after she had finished her cup she felt stronger and strangely, taller.

The Flames Will Burn One Day/ Lacheana Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now