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She was stopped by the gate where two guards stood in her way.

"Let me through. I have a important message to lord Idhrenion." she spoke with a stern tone, a tone that was almost never heard from Caladwen's mouth.

"And who are you, that you want to speak with a high lord like lord Idhrenion?" one of the guards asked with his low voice.

"I happen to be his daughter and if you don't let me pass them something terrible will happen in Ithilien."

The guards whispered between themselves. Then the guard that had spoken to her said:" If you are who you say to be then Megildur will recognize you."

"Call him as fast as you can."


"Caladwen, what are you doing here?" an elf, clad in Minas Tirith guard's armour, walked through the gate with a quick step.

"Something is happening and I do not like that. I have to speak with Ada."

Megildur looked at his little sister with a pondering look in his eyes. "Come. Quickly." he finally ordered and walked back through the gate with Caladwen and Shadowfax right behind him.


"Wait here. Ada is at a meeting with the king right now. I'll call him away."

Caladwen stood in the court yard of the white city where a white tree stood. She had seen a tree like that once when she was still a little elfling.

Then she heard voices coming in her direction and when she turned around she saw two very worried elves walking towards her.

"Iell, what has happened that you had to travel here?" Idhrenion asked.

"Ada, I fear something bad will happen. I heard Daeron speak to a stranger. They are going to do something when the moon is the oldest." Caladwen quickly explained her worries.

"Is that what you heard?" a third voice joined them. When Caladwen turned to look she saw lord Handion, that had excused himself from the meeting to see Caladwen.

"Yes, yes that's what I heard. I am worried, Ada."

Idhrenion was deep in thought. He was sure that her daughter wouldn't lie to her, it wasn't in her nature. But was Daeron mixed into some suspicious actions?

"My lady, do you have anything else that could lead us somewhere?" Handion asked yet again.

"I seem to remember that the stranger called someone a master." Caladwen said after a moment.

With that the three male elves looked at eachother with wide eyes.

"Megildur, gather a small group of your best men. Caladwen, back to the stables, quickly." Idhrenion ordered and his gaze lingered on his daughter robes that were torn and dirty. But now was not the time to think about ones appearance.

"My lord, I would like to accompany you." Handion suddenly spoke up.

"I can't ask you to put yourself in danger, but I trust you to tell the king the reason of our sudden leaving."

Handion only nodded, watching how Caladwen and Idhrenion rushed away from the court yard, Megildur already gone.


Caladwen an Idhrenion rode together with Megildur and twenty of his best men behind them. The king had promised to gather his army and ride with them after the three elves.

Caladwen was worried because the oldest moon was going to shine tonight. And the sun was the highest, so it didn't leave them much time.

"Ada, we need to move faster."

Idhrenion didn't answer. His mind was full of thoughts of worry, worry for his wife, his youngest child and the people of Ithilien.

They reached the city at sunset.

Megildur ordered his men to pair up an patrol in the city. If they saw or heard anything they had to report back to him.

Idhrenion rode to his house but Caladwen went to Daeron's. She wished that it was just a misunderstanding and that Daeron had nothing to do with that, even better if there weren't any 'that'.

But when she didn't find Daeron from his workshop nor from his house she knew that it was happening. She didn't find Daeron's little sister either but that wasn't concerning her at the moment.

She jumped back on Shadowfax and galloped up the street towards her own house.

But she was stopped when two men, covered from head to toe stopped her. Their eyes were dark brown and definitely not elvish. They were full of hate and anger.

Both of them approached with their swords drawn. But Caladwen was quicker and rode past them with such force that both of them fell on the ground.

When Caladwen rushed through the doors of her house she immediately saw blood and a Gondor guard.




Valadhiel?" she yelled for them but no response came from them. She moved to her mother's and father's room and to her horror she found Idhrenion, Laisidhel and Valadhiel dead with a few guards around them.

Her scream was so high and so strong that it could have been heard to the valley of Imraldis. And then there was no sound from her, her mouth was open but no sound came out.

Only tears fell from her eyes. She slowly removed the guards helmets but non of them was Megildur. She didn't saw her brother never again.

When she heard footsteps downstairs she grabbed her father's sword and walked with a shaking step downstairs.

To her horror she saw four easterners there. Caladwen wanted to scream out of fear but no sound came out. Her vocal cords were permanently damaged.

One of the easterns charged at her and she tried to fight but the easterner was better so he slashed a wound in her forearm.

Then an elf jumped into action, killing two of the enemies. "Run, my lady! Save yourself!" Handion commanded.

Caladwen only nodded before running away leaving Handion and her dead family behind.

She didn't saw but Handion was killed at the spot with a stab through his chest. But he felt at peace because he knew that he had saved the one he had fallen in love with.

The Flames Will Burn One Day/ Lacheana Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now