Part 12: Our girl is Back

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Author's Note: Sorry this is so short, but I'm trying to update this as much as possible. Also the cut works better for the the next section/scene/chapter. 


(scene starts. We see the group (no longer including Nadian) walking out of the Mjaponji. Callum and Ethari are both helping Rayla walk. The place where the Sifuri binding is on her ankle is now covered by a broader, golden anklet that totally obscures her Sifuri Binding)

Rayla: This is nice.

Ethari: Yes. Shen really thinks the Sifuri Reversal should help a lot with the pain.

Rayla: Then why can't I walk normally now? It's very undignified to have to be carried around like this.

Ethari: Don't you remember? Shen said that it's best to take it easy; at least for a few hours.

Claudia: *to Ezran* *whispers* Ezran?

Ezran: Yeah?

Claudia: If she, well, dosen't give us any warning, isn't Callum going to be even more broken if she . . . . you know, (swipes neck)

Ezran: We're trying not to think about that. And the Reversal isn't really a total block to pain, just a dimmer, I guess. We'll know if somethings about to happen.

Claudia: But what if-

Ezran: *cuts her off with look that says "We dunno what's gonna happen. Better just stick it out until we have to deal with it.*

Claudia: *bites lip* *nods slowly*

Rayla: Can we do something fun? . . .Or at least more interesting. 

Ethari: *rolls eyes* OKAY Rayla, time to get you home. I think you need to sleep.

Soren: Don't we eventually need to get going to the place we're actually headed for?

Ethari: About that, now that Rayla has gone through the first stages of Sifuri Elemano, which we knew she would, she should be alright for tomorrow. Launde will take you to the base of the mountain but we cannot go further than that.

Ezran: No, that's perfect.

Rayla: If I'll be okay to walk TOMORROW? WHY CAN'T I WALK NOW?

Callum: Rayla! Just let us HELP YOU! You help me every dang day! Could'cha just lean on me AND WALK?!

Ethari: *shakes head* You are DEFINITELY the Lain of the group.

Callum: *steaming*

Rayla: *falls over laughing and dosen't even care* 

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