Part 26: Noxsilian

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Rayla: Callum, what is GOING ON. Tell me NOW.

Callum: I-I can't right now. I promise I will the moment I get back. 

Rayla: CALLUM. NOW. 

Callum: . . . Okay. Corvus found this little kid just outside of town. 

Rayla: How old? 

Callum: They think maybe two month? There was a note. 

Rayla: And it said!?

Callum: It said the little baby was two month old and that the mother couldn't take care of him and to please make sure that he was taken care of. 

Rayla: Well do we know who the mom is?!

Callum: No, but apparently she had some heavy debts and she had to leave town but she thought Katolis would be the best place for him to grow up. 

Rayla: Does the baby have a name? 

Callum: No. Not that we know of. 

Rayla: Callum! You push for the best conditions you can give that kid!

Callum: I swear to you I will. *kisses her forehead* I will. I'll be back soon. *hurries away* 

Rayla: *stands there looking worried but eventually closes door and settles in rocking chair next to Ethari's crib. Ethari is now about 7 1/2  months old and has a little white hair. He has dark purple eyes *like Rayla* and has same markings as Tiadrin.*

Ethari: *starts crying* 

Rayla: Ohhhh . . *picks him up* I'm sorry. Go back to sleep. *strokes his nose*

Ethari: *starts breathing heavily again* 

Rayla: *laughs slightly and put him back in crib*  

Milo: *hanging on the bars of her crib, looks reproachfully at Rayla for the lack of attention to her. She already has a little crop of brown hair. She has green eyes like Callum and markings like Runaan.* Mam!

Rayla: *laughs* Okay, you too. *pulls her out and strokes her nose* 

Milo: *goes limp in her arms and starts drooling all over the place*

Rayla: *looks like she's trying not to smile* 


Callum: *finds Rayla in the Courtyard practicing with her elf blades* Rayla!

Rayla: You're here! *solemnly* How'd it go? 

Callum: *grimly* I don't know. It looks like he'll be put into a foster home until he can be adopted. 

Rayla: No! Callum! That could take forever! 

Callum: I know. We'll do all we can. 

Rayla: *gulps and nods* Where is he now?

Callum: I put him in our room. 

Rayla: And you left him alone? Callum! He's 2 months old. 

Callum: Rayla, I put him-

Rayla: *doesn't hear him*

Rayla: *bursts into door. Milo, Ethari, and small boy with black hair blue eyes sitting in crib.*

Ethari: Mam! Da-da! 

Milo: *squeals and falls over onto baby with black hair* 

Baby w/ black hair: *giggles and wriggles away* 

Rayla: *standing there. looks at Callum*

Callum: *laughs* He seemed very happy with Milo and Ethari. 

Rayla: Indeed he does. *crouches next to crib* Hello sweetheart, can I hold you?

Baby w/ black hair: *looks over at her. Tries to grab her face* 

Rayla: *laughs and picks him up*

Baby w/ Black hair: *coos and leans on her shoulder* 

Rayla: *looks up at Callum* 

Callum: *smiles*

(4 months later) 

Judge Person: So you, Rayla and Callum of Katolis, wish to adopt this child, in you're own family name?

(Me: Okay, so I have no idea what a judge says to you when u trying to adopt a child so I made some stuff up. Yes, I KNOW, its not anywhere near accurate.)

Rayla: Yes.

Callum: Yes.

Judge: And to raise him as you're own child and not be at all like Cinderella's step mom?

Callum: *confused* You're honor-

Judge: Silence! You may only speak when I tell you too. Do you or do you not swear on the lives of you, you're kingdom and you're fitbits that you will not be at all like Cinderella's step mom?!

Callum: Um . . . . yes?

Judge: Do you hereby swear that you will feed your child yummy things like gram-crackers and mac-and-cheese?

Rayla: *makes a face* You're honor I don't!-

Judge: Shut up! I make the rules!

Rayla: Yes! Yes!

Judge: Do you have a name for the child. 

Callum: Yes. Noxsilian for his first name and Harrow for his middle name. 

Judge: That is . . . a very interesting name?

Rayla: Noxsilian means love in draconic. 

Judge: Okay then. I pronounce this child the newest member of you family. Fill out this paperwork, please. *bangs gavel and then leaves* 

Rayla: *takes pen and sheets of paper and starts to fill it out.*

Callum: That was a very interesting judge. 

Rayla: I'll say. But hey. *smiles at Callum* We went through it so that we could adopt Noxsilian.

Callum: I know. Worth it. *kisses Noxsilian* 

Author Note: Some of you may be mad at me because Callum and Rayla adopted a child so to all those people lemme say this. My grandma was adopted. My best friend was adopted. 4 of my aunts were adopted. I'm going to have two adopted siblings. I believe that if this situation happened to Callum and Rayla, they would have chosen to adopt Noxilian. 

So to all of you people who don't believe in adoption, first of all, WHY, secondly, its a beautiful thing, so for the love of all things green, fricking accept it. 

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