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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I was in the park with my family. We were at the playground, and I was sitting on the swings. My little sister was playing with her friends on the rest of the playground, and my parents were sitting under a tree. Everything was great.

I looked up and realized the sky was getting progressively whiter. I heard screaming. I jumped off the swing and looked around. My parents were nowhere to be seen, and neither was my sister or her friends.

I ran behind a tree in fear. My heart was pounding, and tears streamed down my cheeks due to the fact that I was alone with no family nearby.

I climbed the tree in hope I could see over everything and find a safe way to my house. Branch by branch, I made my way up.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see anyway out without walking into the mysterious white that seemed to be overruling the world I lived in. But then I heard a crack.

I began falling towards the ground, and I knew it. This was the end. The end of everything. 

But I never hit the ground. Instead somebody caught me. I looked up to see a skeleton wearing black and white. He gently put me on the ground, all while remaining quiet. He looked about my age, only a bit taller and stronger. 

More skeletons suddenly appeared behind him. 

One was covered in a tar-like goop from head to toe.

Another had a darker toned body that was glitching every now and then. He had blue strings coming down his face.

Three of them looked sort of normal. One of them had a crack in their skull with blood dripping slowly from it, one had black lines coming from his eyesockets, and one was simply wearing a hoodie.

Then we have the one that caught me.

They all looked my age. They did seem a few inches taller, and were probably stronger than I was. I looked weak compared to them.

"Well, are you going to kill her?" Asked the tar-covered skeleton.

"I don't know... she seems.. different. And she just fell from that tree. I think she may have been through enough." Said the skeleton that saved me. He seemed extremely trustworthy, as he had saved my life and was trying to protect me.

"bUt I wAnT tO dEsTrOy ThIs UnIvErSe AlReAdY!" Said the glitchy one. As the somehow living skeletons argued, I took it as a chance to escape. I got up and started running. The three that looked similar started chasing me. 


After a while of running, I tripped over a rock. The three skeletons caught up to me, and I curled up into a ball. This was really stupid, as we looked similar in size, but I was scared. "Please don't hurt me.." I whimpered. I was still crying. This was all unbelievably dumb yet scary.

The others walked up behind the skeletons that chased me. I pulled myself even tighter, this was really uncomfortable. 

"Nightmare, please let me take her back to the castle. Please!" Begged the one that caught me earlier to the tar-covered skeleton.

The goopy skeleton hesitated before saying "Fine. We can take her back to the castle."

I looked up and saw the one that saved me putting a hand out for me to grab. I did a small smile and wiped my tears before grabbing the skeleton's hand. He helped pull me off of the ground with ease. "My name's Cross," He whispered. "(Y/n)," I said gently.

I only then noticed a ghost-looking human floating behind Cross. He noticed me looking at him, and then asked "Can you see me?" It was an odd question, but I nodded my head. Cross looked at me in surprise. "You can see Chara as well?" Once again, I nodded my head. I wasn't good around people that aren't my family.

My family... "Cross? Is my sister okay? I don't know where she is, I only saw her before that blank whiteness started covering everything..." I asked quietly. "Oh.. about them..." The glitchy skeleton looked at me and said "tHiS uNiVeRsE iS dEsTrOyEd. ThEy'Re DeAd NoW." 

I felt tears falling again, but wiped them away and took a deep breath. Cross tried to cheer me up. "You can live with us now! Right guys..?" He looked at the other skeletons. "Whatever... yeah I guess." Said the one Cross referred to as 'Nightmare'. 'Nightmare' opened something that looked like a portal and stepped through. The rest of the skeletons followed, and so did I. 

As I walked through, I found myself at a large mansion-like castle. They all turned to look at me. 

"I'm Nightmare, and I'm sure by now you know Cross. This is Error, Killer, Dust, and Horror." He said as he pointed to each skeleton. I internally celebrated. Now I won't get confused on what to call them! 

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