Chapter 3. I was hurt and then a miracle happened

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I sat at the back of English hoping no one would see me, or speak to me. Annie came in and seen the look on my face. 'What's wrong'? She asked sitting next to me.

'Never mind'. I whispered. I really didn't want to talk to her. I wanted to sit on my own. Think about everything that has been going on in the last few days. Annie didn't take the hint, she started going on about the dance, and she had a date and a dress. I just ignored her. She asked if I was going to the dance. I shrugged. Like I could think about that. My dad was in a coma and my best friend was hurt. I also wondered what life would be like if Jacob did leave. Where would he go, how would he eat. What would I do? How would I live knowing my best friend isn't here when I need him? A piece of me missing would never be replaced. It made me depressed thinking about it.

Annie on the other hand didn't seem to care how I felt, she was still talking about her dress, showing me pictures on her phone, I just nodded she gave me dirty looks. I think she thought I was jealous I didn't care though. Why care about a dress when two of the people you love the most were injured.

'Sit down everyone'. The teacher came in, everyone shuffled to their chairs. 'Hello, my name is Mrs Delives'. She said writing her name on the board. She turned back to us again. 'Will someone hand out these books please'? She said. Annie got up and gave the books out. Hannah and Dean sneaked into the class. They sat on the table next to ours. 'Hello Renesmee how are you?' they whispered. I just smiled and nodded.

We didn't really do much that lesson because it was the first English lesson we had the teacher was introducing us. We had new books; she told us what we would be doing this year. Then the bell went.

'Come on Renesmee'. Annie grabbed my arm pulling me away from Hannah and Dean who frowned at Annie.

'Annie'. I tried to say but she had already pulled me through the hallways to our next lesson. We stopped outside the room. 'I can walk on my own'. I said. She shrugged at me. 'What is wrong with you today?' she asked. 'You look miserable; you haven't spoken a word all day. You didn't even compliment my dress'. She said frowning at me. I was angry. I wanted to slap her. She had no idea how I felt, what had happened. All she cared about was a dress. 'I don't care about your dress, not everything is about you, and I have bigger things to deal with so stop bugging me about your dress'. I shouted at her. She looked like I had slapped her. Her face went red.

'Well you could have at least said something'. She said. Then she walked into the classroom. Hannah ran over to me. 'What did Annie want'? She asked.

'She was wondering why I haven't been talking'. I said. We both walked into the classroom and sat at the back. Annie stared at us. She was sat alone.

'Are you Ok'. Hannah asked me. When it was half way through the lesson and I hadn't spoken a word. I nodded tears filled in my eyes.

'I am fine'. I choked the tears back.

'OK'. She said going back to do her work. Hannah was also quiet all lesson as well. Unlike Hannah she knew something was wrong, but knew I didn't want to talk about it.

It was lunch time now. We sat in the cafeteria at our table. Hannah was talking about going shopping some time for her dress. Dean had asked her to come to the prom. Annie wouldn't tell anyone who she was going with. I didn't care. A few more of Hannah and Annie's friend's joined us. I didn't know their names and I didn't care. I just nodded every now and again. I didn't eat at all.

I was finally alone in the next lesson. I could gather my thoughts up with no one distracting me. I felt free finally, draining out the teacher's voice. I thought about my mom's face it was so sad crumpled, broken. If she lost my dad she would also be alone for eternity. We would be able to comfort each other. I would try my best to show Jacob that him being here is good for me. I wouldn't be able to live without him. The teacher talked all lesson. I didn't care about school I wanted to go home.

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