2. Getting Away

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I wake up to screaming. I am usually awake before she is screaming at me. "Where is my breakfast?" My mom yelled from her seat. I walked downstairs and made my family some breakfast. Eggs, toast, bacon, and milk.

 This is getting worst for sure. I have been sleeping in and they have been hitting me more. I don't know what is going on.

I served them and sat in my seat reserved for me. It is hard and medal, I just sit and think. I can't watch tv so I can't do anything but think and wait.

'I need to get out of here, I don't know how to though. I have never been outside so I need to find a way to see what is out there.' I think to myself 'I know, I need to pack a bag. They usually take a nap after lunch. I should pack my bag then. I need food, I don't know how long I will be without doing anything.' I think.

"Take the dishes and wash them." My dad yelled at me. So I did. As I was washing the dishes, I think about what I am going to do for food. I know don't liv in the country 'cause I hear so much outside the house. But, I don't know how close we are to a store, or someone who could help me.

When I was done it was close to the time they take a nap, I was sent up to my room, that is when I got a bag and started packing, underwear, jeans, and shirts that where clean but no one could tell. They had holes and where almost grey. I have to wash them in the bathroom sink.

When I finish I go to the bed and put my bad under the bed, so if someone comes in here they don't see it.

When they woke up I go downstairs and make dinner, I see spaghetti and make it. I fix their plates and serve their food.

I sit back in my metal chair, waiting for them to be done. When they are done I go and wash their dishes. I do all my chores. Clean the bathroom, clean their rooms, vacuum. I clean the downstairs, and the kitchen.

It takes me all day to clean the whole house. They went to bed, and I went to my room, I waited for a few hours, knowing they would be asleep by then.

I can't hear a thing, they must be asleep I go to the kitchen and grab some food that I can carry with me and walk into the living room. When I go out there I hit a beer bottle my dad drank before bed, and I hear a door open. At this point I run to the door and slam it shut. I run and run and run till I can't run anymore, that's when I hear a car starting, I didn't have enough energy to run a lot, so I look around to find a place to hid. I see a bush and I jump behind it. Once I know the car won't see me I run into the woods.

~twenty minutes later~

I see the end of the wood as I am walking trough the trees. It rained a few minutes ago and it felt wonderful! I've never experienced rain before, I've heard it but have never felt it on my skin. I don't really shower often either, I do that when no one is in the house so I don't get in trouble. The trees where still dripping on me, it felt amazing.

I walk out of the woods and see a town. 'This is new.' I thought to myself. I just kept walking and I saw a store, and walked in. The letters on the front said "Target".

"May I help you?" Nice lady asked as I walked in. She had long brown hair, she was tall-ish, and looked like she had green eyes.

I just nodded my head 'yes'. I didn't know what I needed, but I thought maybe she could help me.

"What do you need?" She asked, very nicely, I don't understand why she is so nice, and not yelling at me, maybe it's because we are in public.

I just shrugged my shoulders saying 'I don't know'.

"Can you speak?" She asked. I just shook my head 'no'. "Do you have parents with you?" She asked. I shook my head 'no' again and I was scared she was going to do something to me. I don't want her to call them and I have to go back home.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Umm, why don't you come with me and I'll get you some help?" She asked. I just nodded my head 'yes'

We went to the back of the store, and she grabbed her phone from her pocket. She dialed something but I didn't know what it was.

"Um, I am not sure. I have a girl here and she is bruised and dirty, and wet. I can't imagine how cold she is." She said into her phone.

 "Do you now who she is?" I hear a lady ask.

"No, I think she ran away from her family. I don't know where she came from either." She said, I started getting really scared, she might bring me back and I don't want that.

The nice lady got off the phone. "That was the police. They want me to take you to my house, you will be safe there. I have Three sons and a daughter." She told me. She gives me a note pad and a pen, and tells me to write on it.

We get to her house and it was beautiful. It was quite big. I walk in and she sets her groceries on the counter.

"Boys I'm home" she yelled.

She is going to do the same thing my mom and dad did isn't she? I get super scared and walk closer to the door just in case.

"Boys this lovely girl is going to stay with us, I am going to help her find her family and figure out why she ran away." She asked me. "Do you have a name?"

'I don't know it.' I write down.

"Okay, we will fix that, what do you want us to call you?" She asked me.

'What do you mean?' I write down.

"What do you want your name to be?"

'I like the name Eleanor.' I told her.

"Okay, your name is now Eleanor." She told me with a smile. "My name is Diana, you can call me that. Or Mrs. Wilson."

The boys she called Hamilton started to show me the house. He showed me where his room was, and where his mom's room was.

"So you don't talk? That cool, right here is the room, what did my mom say your name was?" He asked handing me his phone with only one word on it and that was 'notes'. "Write what you want to say on there and I will read it when you are done." He said. Walking into the bathroom that was connected to the room.

I typed my name and he read it. "I like that name! I'm Hamilton, it's nice I meat you." he said handing me his phone again.

'How do we spell your name?' I asked.

"H-a-m-I-l-t-o-n" he said slowly so I could remember it.

He told me how to work the shower and I took a shower and changed into different cloths. I walked downstairs to make dinner but Diana had made it already. I looked for one of the hard chairs but just found a wooden one and took that.

"Are you going to eat?" Hamilton asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Yes you are come sit next to me." He said taping a chair next to him. So I took the seat and he gave me his phone so I could talk. He helped me put my thumb print in it so I didn't have to have him do it all the time.

"Eleanor will you pass me the stake?" Diana asked. I did. "You need to eat honey, you'll be hungry later." She said putting food on my plate.

'I don't usually eat with the family.' I typed and Hamilton read it to her. Everyone looked at me even the little girl named Skylar.

"Well you are going to now sense you are in my house!" She said. We ate and I was happy for once. I went to bed not afraid.

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