8. California

643 13 3

Eleanor's pov*

We are officially flying to California, I am not flying everything, the rest of my stuff will be shipped here so yeah... I packed the stuff I'll 100% need.

We got on the plane and sat next to the window! My first time flying and I sit by the window and Hamilton. At least it's not a stranger.

"Are you sure you are ready?" Hamilton asked for the ten thousandth time. Like the rest of the time I nodded my head 'yes'.

"Alright let's go. Any questions go ahead and ask!" Hamilton said nervous about how I was going to be. "When we land it is going to be rough. I am here if you need me." He said when we where getting closer to landing.

We hit the ground and it scared me, so I grabbed his hand and squeezed really hard. When we where at a complete stop, everyone stood up and got there stuff including me. We walked out of the plane and Hamilton held me close so we could walk through the fans when we got in.

All I heard was "Who is that? Why are you holding her so close? Why is she with you?" The whole time we walked through the fans.

We found Drew's car when we walked out, and got in it. We drove in silence to the house, well apartment.

We pulled in and walked inside, Hamilton showed me around. "This is my room, and the bathroom. And last but not least your room. If you need any help with anything ask."
I walked in and unpacked what I had, and Hamilton came in with food.

"You can eat in here or out there if you want." He said handing me my plate with a slice of cheese pizza and a slice of pepperoni pizza. "We are having three friends come over tomorrow if you don't mind. There names are, Matthew, Kendal, and Austin." He said sitting next to me on the bed.

I took the plate and ate the pizza. When I was done I grabbed my phone and typed 'that is fine. They sound very nice!'

"They are, I will tell them that you don't like a lot of noise, but I can't promise they will stay quiet." He said taking my empty plate.

'It is fine at least you are trying!' I typed.

"You have changed some, I mean not in a bad way, you trust us more..." He said.

'Well you moved me away from that lady, I should at least be nice to all you guys. So this house is to big for one person, who else lives here?'

"Oh right I forgot you have no idea who anyone is. Drew and Timothy, or Tim, sometimes Ben comes over too. Oh, my mom also wanted me to tell you, you will be getting a phone call from the police about your birthday and your age. Would you like me to talk and you to tell me?" He asked. I shook my head 'yes'.

"Ok, we can do that! It will be tomorrow at threeish so we have to be ready."

He left and there was something about him that I couldn't figure out. He was... wonderful, he helped me with stuff I couldn't do by myself, he helped me when I don't talk and we are in a bad situation, he was wonderful.

I walked downstairs and he was siting on his chair, watching a movie. He seen me and came to come sit with me.

'How am I supposed to to sit with you? Your on a chair.' My phone said.

"I have a lap!" When he said, I ran over and jumped on his lap. We sat there snuggling and watching hunger games.

"I'm here!" A blond boy yelled walking in, making me jump off Hamilton's lap onto the floor.

"Matthew! Quiet!" Hamilton said helping me back up.

"Who is this? Is she your girl!?" He asked looking at me weird.

"No this is Eleanor! What time is it?" Hamilton asked the boy I am assuming is Matthew.

"1:30. Why?" We have an important phone call around 3 we have to take. What time are the others supposed to get here?"

"Any minute now!" Matthew said. "Hi, I am Matthew, I am one of Hamilton's friends." Matthew said shacking my hand.

'Nice to meet you, my name is Eleanor. I am living with Hamilton.' My phone said for me.

"Why don't you talk? Are you sick?" He asked confused.

'No I am a mute, I'd rather not talk about it...' I typed.

"Oh sorry."

'No your fine.' I typed, with a big smile on my face. 'How old are you?'

"17, you?"

'Umm, I don't know. that is what the phone call is about.'

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I went to type 'it's fine' but my phone rang, I walked over to Hamilton.

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