6. Packing

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Hamiltons's pov*

Eleanor is still looking for a family, and we are slowly packing with her. Drew my best friend, and I decided to let her live with us in California till she finds a house.

"Hamilton, is Eleanor packed yet?" Mom asked, walking into my room.

"I think so, I think she just has a few boxes to tape, and we ran out." I said sitting on my bed.

"Well why don't you drive her to the store and buy some more?" She said handing me money.

"Ok." I said, getting ready to go. "Eleanor wanna go to the store with me to get some more tape?" I asked knocking on the door. She opened and waved me in. I walked in and she grabbed her phone, and purse putting her flip flops on. 'let's go' her phone said for her.

"Mom we will be back." I said walking out of the door.

"Hamilton, watch her like a hawk." She said, can you tell how protective she has been lately?

"I will mom." I said as she kissed my forehead.

We drove to the store and got some tape and drove back home. No problem, but as I was getting closer to the house there where cops everywhere. I wouldn't have cared much if there lights where not on. But they where. I pulled up and we both ran in. Glass as everywhere, and as I was looking around I saw blood, thankfully it wasn't enough to look like someone was murdered but there was a lot of blood.

"Sir do live here?" A cop asked.

"Yes I do officer, what happened?" I asked now seeing blood everywhere and Ben coming out with blood all over his cloths.

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