Chapter 10

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- Dave's POV -

I walked into work today, and immediately was asked by phone face to go to the store and buy some ingredients for the pizza's, due to Jack not being here and buying them himself.

Phone Face gave me thirty bucks to go buy some ingredients, so of course I'll use ten dollars and keep twenty for me afterwords.

I walked into the store and started my walk towards the ingredients on Phone face's list.

I had most of the ingredients until one of the isle names got my eye, medicine isle.

I don't know what got over me, but I walked into the isle and got simple cold pills to snack on, Jack always told me not to do this, but he isn't here so what's stopping me, besides, they were just cold pills, not opioids, just simple cold medicine.

I payed for the stuff I bought and walked out of the store, I could tell the cashier was scared of me, probably because I was a walking corpse and I looked extremely tired and lonely, I could see what to be scared about in that situation.

I walked out of the store and decided to take a cold pill, once I swallowed it, it made me feel a bit happier, so I may have had three or four more.

I walked into work and dropped off the ingredients in the kitchen, I sat down at the night guard's office just to relax for a minuet.

I wanted to know who the night guard was, but I'm not staying up late or checking the cameras, if Phone Face finds me searching threw the cameras he'll probably kill me. I swear he has secret cameras in the office, but they won't even show on the camera footage.

I stood up and walked towards the camera room to see if I could possibly find any camera that might find me searching threw the footage.

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