Chapter 15

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- Dave's POV -

Jack ran away from me again, and this time I'm not stopping, even though exhausted I won't let him go this time, I really just want to talk, why won't he listen to me!

I ran after Jack, he knew I was faster then him, but he also knows I'm exhausted, everyone can tell from how I look, but it doesn't matter, I want to speak to him.

- Jack's POV -

I slammed the pizzeria's entrance doors open as rain drenched me, what the heck, I swear a few minutes ago the raining stopped with just enough time for me to get to work, why does it have to start now?

I heard the footsteps get closer, no time to think, I ran out into the dark, cold, rainy night, praying I could somehow manage to out run Dave

- Dave's POV -

He ran out into the rain? Are you serious, he really doesn't want to talk to me does he, well I'm going to talk to him, I'm going to chase after him for as long as it takes, I can't loose him again.

I ran into the rain and chased after the silhouette of Jack, the cold rain hit my face, I saw a orange light on front of Jack, wait, are we seriously running into the construction for the road?

- Jack's POV -

I have to go into the construction, it's the only way I'd be able to get away, I could tell he was close to me, to close for my liking.

I was running out of breath, I don't think I can manage this much longe-

I tripped over something and I hit my head on the ground.

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