Guide to Magic 2.0

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Hermit: Magic
Grian: watcher
Mumbo: foresight
Iskall: crystallisation 
Scar: Vex 
Cub: Vex 
Xisuma: protection/admin 
Bdubs: matter manipulation
Keralis: precognition 
Cleo: animation 
False: Auras 
Stress: Ice (let it gooo) 
Jevin: shapeshifting 
Wels: enhanced physical ability, light sword.
Joe: charmspeak 
Impulse: electricity 
Zedaph: angel 
Tango: demon 
Doc: technopath 
TFC: telekinesis
Ren: Morphing
Ex: Death/destruction
Hels: Enhanced physical ability, dark sword.
Etho: Snow
Beef: Injury sense
xB: poison
Hypno: Hypnosis, mind powers.

power definitions
Watcher - self healing, ability to know other's emotions, ability to create barriers, wings
Foresight - the ability to see events before they happen, ability to see into the past or future at will, can get visions/gut feelings randomly that are almost always accurate.
Crystallization - the ability to crystallise a liquid or semi liquid substance, this can be in any shape/form (eg armour, weapons, a table)
Vex - the ability to go through walls, summon swords, wings
Protection/admin - ability to allow people access to hermitcraft, ability to restrict people's abilities. Concealment spells, teleportation.
Matter manipulation - the ability to create matter from thin air, the ability to destroy existing matter, and the ability to change existing matter. (this doesn't apply to living things)
Precognition - the ability to predict the short-term future. 
Animation - the ability to bring inanimate objects to life, the ability to re-animate corpses.
Auras - the ability to sense magic and the ability to vaguely tell emotions and energy, the ability to know when people are lying.
Ice - The ability to create and control ice, the ability to freeze anything at will.
Shapeshifting - the ability to change the shape of the body, usually the users body will be made of a coloured slime to allow for this. 
Enhanced physical ability - enhanced speed, strength, agility, stamina, resistance and pain tolerance.
light/dark sword - Can summon a add made from light/shadow respectively, these swords slightly are more powerful than normal swords.
Charmspeak - use words to persuade someone/get someone to do what they want, a rare form of hypnotism. 
Electricity - the ability to manipulate electricity, the ability to control lightning
Angel - the ability to manipulate light and heat, immune to fire, wings, 
Demon - the ability to manipulate fire and darkness, immune to heat+lava, wings and a demon tail. 
Technopath - the ability to manipulate technology, the ability to use technology for any purpose
Telekinesis - the ability to move objects with your mind
Morphing - The ability to change into one select animal form. 
Death/destruction - Kan kill any living thing as long as contact is made, can destroy anything by willing it, both can become uncontrollable when angry. 
Snow - Can create snow from nothing, can turn water into ice, unaffected by cold, lower than normal body temp, can't get too hot, can also create snow clouds.
Injury sense - Can sense when people are injured without seeing the wound/Being told, can tell what caused a wound/what is the problem by seeing it.
poison - Can turn liquid into poison by touching the liquid/it's container
Hypnosis/Mind powers - Can hypnotize people, can alter memories and thoughts.

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