Snow (pt2)

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Hey guys! sorry about the kinda long gaps between updates, I write really slowly, (because I'm lazy and procrastinate too much)

Also, just wanted to say, make sure you leave comments if you have something to say, I love reading them even if its just a "lol" or something, comments really make my day xD


-The Christmas before R7 began-

Again Etho sat at his window, watching the snow fall, he hadn't seen this much since- well, ever, it coated everything in a thick layer of soft white and the snowflakes danced in front of his window.

There was a wide smile on his face, though you couldn't see it through the navy mask he still wore, he was more excited to begin today than he had been perhaps ever.

"Etho!" Someone yelled, a loud knock sounding through his wooden bedroom door, "Eeeeetho!"

Etho tore himself away from the window, glancing around his small room before running to the door and throwing it open.

"Etho!" The boy on the other side of the door said again as he was tackled into a quick hug, "Merry Christmas Etho; it's snowing!"

"Merry Christmas Beef!" Etho replied, grinning ear to ear, "I saw!"

"Come on, let's get the others!" Beef said with a smile, running down the festively decorated hall with Etho following close behind.

In the next hallway they stopped at a door, knocking, as soon as the person inside opened the door they were dragged out by the wrist.

"xB! C'mon! it's snowing, on Christmas!" Etho yelled, ignoring the looks they got from the group of kids down the hall.

"Wha- ok!" xB replied as he let himself be dragged by Etho, who was barely older than him.

"Come on, we just need to get Hypno." Beef said, Etho turned with an excited nod before taking off down the corridor towards the stairs, the others took off after him.

"Hypno!" Etho yelled, banging on his door.

"Woah Etho- calm down." Hypno said, opening the door and looking over the others

"It's snowing!" Etho yelled, "And Christmas! We have to go outside!"

"Hold on hold on." Hypno said, "You're forgetting something."

"Huh?" Etho and xB said in unison

"Breakfast?" Asked Beef, "I'm hungry."

"Well yes, but Also-" Hypno didn't need to finish his sentence as he pulled out a wrapped present.

"Presents!" Etho yelled as the three piled into Hypno's room. The older kids had bigger rooms, so the four spent most of their time together in Hypno's room

He handed each of them a box, they were all similar shapes, long-ish and thin

"Can we open them now?" Etho asked with an excited look, Hypno nodded and Etho tore open the wrapping and quickly opened the box inside, only to stare in surprise, a similar reaction came from the other two.

"How did you-" Beef started, lifting the emerald sword from the box by the hilt, the others had similar, xB had a ruby sword and Etho's was made from aquamarine.

"I have my ways," Hypno said with a smile and a wink, "The world is dangerous for people like us, I thought it would be best to have a way to defend ourselves."

Etho knew he was referring to the fact that all four of them were magic users, Hypno with his mind powers, probably how he got the swords in the first place, Beef with his injury sensing magic, xB with his poison magic, and Etho with his snow powers.

They didn't dare mention magic directly out loud, who knew who could be listening. Hypno had told them how dangerous it was for them and they all looked after each other.

"Make sure you hide those well." Hypno said, "Or they'll probably be taken away."

Etho nodded, putting the sword back into the box, "I know where I can put mine!"

"Good." Beef said with a smile, "Everyone meet back in the food hall?"

The other three agreed and took the swords back to their rooms, Etho hid his under a loose floorboard, where he had a small collection of random things.

After making sure the sword was securely hidden,he made his way downstairs, meeting up with the other three and getting breakfast (Beef's call) and then heading outside for a day in the snow.


-Present day-

"You coming out Etho?" Beef called, he had a pack of cards in his hand, it was a cloudy but warm day.

"You know I don't like that game Beef..." Etho replied, standing just inside the door.

"You haven't even tried it!" Beef pushed, "It's funny!"

Etho sighed, "Ok then... but I'll just watch."

Beef cheered before rushing back to the others and putting down the cards, Etho slowly made his way over, pulling his mask up a little more and trying to hide how uncomfortable he felt, mainly from the warmth of the sun rather than the game they were playing.

"You guys ready for another game?" Beef said, looking around at the other three, they had a small picnic blanket set up along with a small plate of biscuits they'd stolen from the kitchen.

"Heck yea!" xB giggled as they began the game

Throughout the game, Etho began to feel worse and worse, it started with a headache, then an aching everywhere, and then a sense of exhaustion washed over him and all he wanted to do was to fall asleep.

Halfway through the game, the sun came out from behind the clouds, warning up the air even more, Etho tugged on Beef's sleeve lightly when he started feeling like he might just pass out.

"Beef- I don't feel so good..." Etho said quietly when Beef turned to him.

"What's up Etho?" Beef asked, quickly putting down his cards and turning fully towards him.

"Feel sick-' Etho said quietly, though he was passed out before they could find out the issue, Beef quickly laid him down on the grass.

"Guys what do we do-?" Beef said, quiet enough that only xB and Hypno would be able to hear.

"What's wrong with him? Can you tell?" Hypno asked, putting down the cards he was holding and quickly coming closer to Etho, soon joined as well by xB.

"He just fainted, from the heat." Beef said.

"How do we help him?"

"Is he ok?" Said a female voice that none of them recognised, they all looked up to be faced with a blonde woman with aviator goggles and blue eyes that held a kind but concerned look.


Cliffhanger? hehe

As i said, remember to comment, i love hearing what you guys think uwu

Hope you enjoyed,


(ps: ima hopefully try and write more xD)

(pps: for some reason wattpad said this only has 89 words lol, wattpad ur drunk go home-)

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