The New Reset

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The hermits tumbled out of the infinity Portal onto a small Island in the middle of the ocean. Across the sea was a Mesa and on the opposite direction a mooshroom Iskall.

Doc quickly did a headcount, they were missing a few, Scar and Grian, scar was quickly contacted and located, he had been dropped by the portal in a jungle instead of with the rest of the hermits for some reason.

EX fell from the sky soon after with Grian in his arms, falling into the ocean next to the island. Iskall quickly retrieved them and then they started the season with X half asleep.

"X you have to announce the beginning of the season." Doc said, shaking his shoulder.

"why me?" X said sleepily.

"Because you're the admin." Doc replied.

"Welcome to hermitcraft season 7, go!" X said with as much energy he could master before falling back asleep leaning against Doc.


Half an hour later X had woken up again and the meeting that happened at the beginning of every season finally took place 

X, Stress, False, Scar and Cub were stood on a circle in a plains biome, there were a few torches scattered around and a crafting table, but since they had just started they didn't have a sophisticated meeting hall just yet.

"As the rescue crew, we spend the first week of hermitcraft searching for other magic users, but, after recent events, I'm wondering if this one should go through, I want to hear what you guys have to say." X said, he still looked exhausted, but he was a lot more awake than earlier.

"I think it should- even after the recent events there are still magic users out there who need us." Stress said, leaning on a stick so she didn't put too much weight on her leg.

"I agree- And we're not in danger anymore, so why not." Cub agreed.

"We should go, but not for a few more days.." False said firmly, "Stress still needs to recover and you need a few good night's sleep X."

"I'm ok-" Stress replied just as she put more weight on her leg and winced from the pain.

"Don't lie Stress, you're not fine." False replied.

"We don't need False's magic to tell that." Scar said with a small laugh, smoothing down his new wizard robes the portal had given him.

"And Scar needs different clothes to wear." Cub said.

Scar rolled his eyes, "I still have my clothes from last Reset, that's not a problem."

"As much as I'd rather not sleep, since work is more important, False is right, we should wait a few days." X agreed with the others.

"And you need sleep " Cub said, giving X a look.

"But-" X protested.

"But nothing, you're exhausted." False replied, X sighed and nodded.

"I'll sleep, once stress has recovered we can go, until then, get going with you're own stuff, this meeting is over." X said with a small smile through the exhausted look on his face.


EX took the sleeping Grian to the jungle, across from where Scar was building at a small area, enclosed in a U-Shaped hill.

He figured the builder might like it here, it was very pretty and there were lots of melons- what is it about melons, he always thought about them whenever the chance presented itself. Damn melons.

Quickly setting to work after setting grian down carefully against a tree, EX dug a little area inside of the hill before beginning to collect resources.

After a few hours Grian woke up. EX showed him around what he'd done already and the resources he'd collected before they both headed into the mines in hopes to find some more diamonds.

A five hour mining session gave them barely anything on the diamonds front, so they decided it would be best to give up on that for now and pull a prank on their new neighbour using a zombie spawner Grian had found.


As the medics of the groups, Cleo and Joe were in charge of Wels' safety, the knight still being in a coma for unknown reasons. it was their job to make sure he didn't die.

So they worked together to build a quick medieval style house on some land not too far from spawn.

Once they got it good enough to look after Wels and any other hermit who somehow injured themselves, they returned to spawn to get the knight.

When Wels was safe and secure in the house, Cleo and Joe made sure they had everything they could, they would have to expand this place and get their stocks of potions and other materials in place once they had other materials, but it was good enough for now.

The Reset had finally officially began.


Hey everyone!

Sorry I uploaded this a few days later than I said I would, but I have no excuse xD.

I hope you enjoyed,


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