Extra Info

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current ages at the beginning of S7
Grian: 16
Mumbo: 16
Iskall: 17
Scar: 18
Cub: 22
Xisuma: 20
Bdubs: 26
Kerala: 23
Cleo: 98 (she looks 23, age of death) 
False: 21
Stress: 16
Jevin: 17
Wels: 19
Joe: 25
Impulse: 21
Zedaph: 17 (almost 18)
Tango: 19
Doc: 24
TFC: 43
Ren: 18
EX: 17
Hels: 19
Etho: 8 
Beef: 13
xB: 7
Hypno: 14

'canon' ships
-Beetho (maybe)

World magic

-Nether and end.

Nether and end portals work like they do in minecraft

they're found/nether portals can be built Anywhere

they're illegal outside of hermitcraft as they are a form of magic

the hermits use them like they're used in the normal minecraft game.


The elytras the hermits use require materials only found in the end along with mumbo's tech skills and Doc's magic. 

They're used like normal elytra:s for hermits without wings.


mobs have been driven to extinction in the normal world outside of hermitcraft

all normal minecraft mobs are found in hermitcraft as well as other real world animals.


Grian's wings: Large bird wings with purple feathers that go from dark purple at the top of the wing to light purple at the tips of his feathers.

Cub and Scar's wings: Vex wings, they have a dull blue glow that you can only see in the dark.

Zedaph's wings: Large white feathered wings which emit a faint glow

Tango's wings and tail: Large dark red dragon like wings and a demon tail.

How magic works

(some lore I decided)

-Any child has a very small chance of being born with magic.
-If the child's parents have magic the chance is increased (to 75% chance if both parents have magic)
-A child most likely won't have the same magic as their magical parents, the magic they get is random
-Identical twins almost always have the same magic type because they're special.
-In most cases magic is based on emotion, meaning strong emotions can make the magic go out of control.

(I might add more to this as time goes on)

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