Chapter 3.

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"The girls who got picked are being announced today!" My mother shouted excitedly running around the house preparing the food to watch the announcement.

I rolled my eyes thinking she is doing all of this for nothing.

"Why are we watching this? They aren't going to pick me." I said.

"You never know hun. It won't hurt to watch." Mom said.

The royal anthem begins to play and my mother runs over to the television set and sits down.

"It's starting!" She shouts excitedly.

My brother, father, and I go sit down on the couch to watch the announcement as well. The royal music begins to play and The King, King Richard is standing at a podium,

"Hello nation. Myself, Queen Elizabeth, Joe and his siblings are thrilled to announce the lucky 35 girls to potentially win the hand of my oldest Joe. Over the next week weeks the girls will live here generally being helped with the staff of the castle and being protected by high lever still guards twenty four seven. As we all know the past few selections when my wife Queen Elizabeth's mother and her mother was picked to me in the selection had horrible rebel attacks by savages. But as we moved on as a nation since we still won't forget our past and we have prevented everything that will do harm for this years Selection. The Queen Joe and I are thrilled to meet all of the 35 girls who are picked and will live here in the upcoming weeks and eventually our future daughter in law. Now Prince Joe will announce the names." King Richard said and he want to sit down on his throne.

The selection music starts to play, and Joe stands up and whips his suit nervously, he walks up to the podium and looks into the camera and smiles.

Joe walk up to the podium and looks at the camera,

"Hello everyone. I'm thrilled to announce the 35 girls who will take place in the selection. As we all know it's tradition for the royal family to pick out 35 lucky women all across the nation to win my heart and hand in marriage by me. As of tradition I'm now going to list off the names good luck and congratulations to all of you. I'm so excited and happy to meet you all in just a few short days and hopefully find a love." Joe said.

"Here are the names." Joe said and looked down at a long list in front of him.

"The first girl picked is lady Kendel Jenner. A model ranking a two." The announcer said.

"Of course she is picked." I said

"Next is Selena Gomez an actress from a five." The royal guard said.

"Demi Lovato a singer ranking a three."

"Miley Cyrus a singer ranking a two."

"Katy Perry a singer ranking a four,"

"Karlie Kloss a model ranking a two."

"Martha Hunt a model ranking a two."

"Ruby Rose a actress ranking a four." 

"Cara Delevingne a model ranking a three."

"Camila Cabello a singer ranking a three."

"Kylie Jenner a model ranking a two."

"Blake Livley a model ranking a four."

"Ariana Grande singer rankling two."

"Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor a singer ranking a four."

"Hailee Steinfeld an actress ranking a four."

"Lily Aldridge a model ranking a two."

"Emma Stone a actress ranking a four."

"Abigail Anderson a soldier trainer ranking a five."

"Ruby Rose a

"Jamie King a

"Claire Winter a

"Este Haim a singer ranking a five."

"Danielle Haim a singer ranking a five."

"Ala Haim a singer ranking a five."

"Zendaya a model ranking a two."

"Bella Throne a actress ranking a three."

I blanked out the rest of the names thinking I'm not going to get picked.

"See I told you all they aren't going to pick me. It was a-" I said but I suddenly turned back to the tv hearing my name.

What my name?!

"Next girl is Taylor Swift a singer from Nashville, a four." A royal guard announced and my whole family screamed with excitement and shock.

"Oh my god!!" My brother shouts

"THATS MY BABY ON TV!!" Mother shouts.

"THEY PICKED YOU! THEY PICKED YOU!!" Dad screams in excitement.

I stared at the television screen in disbelief.

But there was my picture being shown throughout the whole country.

"Oh my god." was all I was able to get out.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing like crazy.

My father goes running to answer and I can hear screaming coming from the other end of the line form my friends calling me congratulations.

The rest of the night was a blur.

I was picked.

Out of all of the girls in the country I was one of them who was picked.


Author's Note

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