Chapter 2.

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That night I can't fall asleep.

I lay awake just thinking if they would pick me.

They wouldn't pick me.

Hundreds of girls are applying.

Suddenly I hear a tapping on my window.

I get up and walk over to the window. I look out at my backyard and I see Adam hiding behind a tree.

Joe and I have been secretly dating for 4 years now.

Adam is a five.

I gasp but I quickly put my hand over my mouth. I carefully open my window as quit as possible and I step out onto my roof. I walk over to a vine bush and climb down.

I run over to Joe and he hugs me,

"Hi babe." Joe said and kissed me.

"Hi." I said

"What is it?" Joe asks and I still look at him trying to come up with the right words to tell him.

"I guess I'm going to just straight out tell you. My parents convinced me to signed up for the Selection." I said.

"What!?" Joe shout

"I know. I don't want to either but even if we apply and if we compete the longer I am there the more money my family gets. You know how much we have been struggling." I said.

"Oh you don't know the half of it." Joe said.

"Joe, I didn't mean it like that." I said.

"You don't know how hard I've been working my ass off and you just apply to the King and Queen just like that in hopes to get money for being a scamp to the prince!" Joe shouts.

"They haven't even picked me! To assume I would just throw my body to anything for money!? What the fuck Joe!" I shout.

"Yeah and what if they do? What is going to happen to us? What if he falls for you and what will I do? Just watch you on tv with that golden spoon fed with his ass whipped by servants never worked a day in his life!?" Joe shouts.

"He probably wouldn't even give me a second glance! Just let's me explain!" I shout and Joe calms down a bit.

"Tomorrow is the announcement of who gets picked. Everyone in the country will be watching. When it's over and they didn't pick me I'll go over to your house and we will have a nice lunch and just hang out like we used to when we first started dating. How does that sound?" I asked.

"Are you positive they won't pick you?" Joe asks.

"Never in my wildest dreams." I said.

Me being picked out of all of the girls in the country?

No way.

"Okay it's a date. Tomorrow after the selection being aired you will meet me here again for lunch. I will make all of our favorite food and sweet?" Joe asked.

I walked close to him and kissed him, Joe kissed me back wrapping his arms around me tighter. I pull away looking up at him smiling.

"It's a date." I said.

We said goodbye and I quickly climbed up back on the vine and into my bedroom closing the window.

I get back into bed more nervous for tomorrow.

What will I do if they pick me?

What will happen between me and Joe?


Author's Note

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