Chapter 6.

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We arrived at an airport and Abigail, Amanda and I walk into the main waiting arena in the airport and most of the girls I've seen on tv are already here.

Wow there is so many of us. 35 girls are all standing around talking to one another saying hello and trying to remember everyone's names.

"Wow. We all have to compete to marry Joe?" Amanda whispered to us looking at all of the other girls.

"We won't even make it for a week." Abigail said.

"Let's don't worry about the rest of the girls. Let's just take it one day at a time." I said.

"Hello I'm Selena Gomez." A girl said.

"Hi I'm Taylor." I said.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"I'm from Texas." Selena said.

"Where are you from?" Selena asked.

"Pennsylvania." I said.

"Oh I remember watching you on television! You where ranked a four right?!" Selena asked excitedly

"Yeah I did." I said.

"That means Joe really likes you already!" Selena said happy

"Yeah but what if when he meets me he hates me?" I asked.

"I just met you and I already like you. And Abigail and Amanda seemed to hit it off with you right away." Selena said.

"I'm just so nervous. I didn't think I would be picked." I said.

"I'm nervous as well but all that we can do is be ourselves and see what happens right?" Selena asks.

"Right." I said.

I looked around at the other girls and see that Two girl, Kendel.

"Have you spoken to the rich two girl yet?" I asked.

"No. I'm too nervous to even breathe by her." Selena said.

"I have already spoken to her she is a bitch." A voice said behind us and Selena and I turned around in shock.

A beautiful tall girl with green eyes walked up to us,

"Hi I'm Karlie." She said

"Wow you must be a model." I said out loud and I blushed.

"Sorry I thought I said that in my head." I said and laughed.

Karlie laughed as well, "Oh stop you are so beautiful! Are you a model?" She asks.

"No I'm a singer songwriter." I said.

"Wow! That's so impressive! Can you play instruments?" Karlie asks.

"Yes I can play the guitar, piano, and ukulele." I said.

"That's amazing!" Karlie shouts.

"What do you do?" Karlie asked Selena.

"I'm an actress." Selena said.

"Wow!" Karlie shouts.

"What did you say about that two? Kendel?" I asked.

"Oh before she even walked into the airport she was shouting at the royal staff and demanded all of her stuff to be taken care of. And she bumped into me walking in here." Karlie said.

"I have a feeling she is going to be FUN." Selena said and we all laughed.

"Hopefully she won't last long." Karlie said.

"Hopefully." I said and Kendel turns to look over at us and we all turned away from her.

"Hello girls!! Please follow me!!" A man shouts wearing one of the royal guard uniform's and we follow him and more royal guards form around us.

"What is going on?" Selena asks.

"It's just a security protocol for the big crowd outside." The royal guard said.

"Big crowd?" I asked.

As soon as we stepped outside we where blinded by flashing lights and loud cheering.

A big crowd was formed around the red carpet from us leaving the airport and stepping onto a royal plane.

We heard dozens of people shouting out names and holding up signs of people supporting us. Wow we don't even know these people and they want us to be chosen?









"Taylor!" I hear my name being called a lot and some of holding up signs with my name on it.

"Hello!" I shout walking up to a little girl holding a sign with my name on it. I grab her sign and pen and sign my name on it and the girl gasps loudly.

I look around and the rest of the girls are greeting their supporters as well. I look back to the girl,

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Lily." The girl said.

"What a beautiful name," I said.

"I want you to marry the prince," the girl said.

"Thank you for the support." I said.

I go meet the rest of the people holding up my sign and as I look at the crowd my name is held up the most already along with Selena, Karlie, Kendel, Katy, Demi, Martha, and Camila.

"Taylor the rest of the girls are already on the plane," a guard said and I look up.

"Oops sorry." I said and I turned to the crowd to wave goodbye.

"I have to go now." I said and I walked onto the plane.

As I walked down the seats of the plane Kendel looks at me and roll's her eyes.

I sit down next to a girl I haven't met yet,

"Sorry did I held up the wait?" I asked.

"Oh no you are fine." The girl said.

"I'm Taylor." I said.

"Hi I'm Camila." The girl said.

"Oh I saw lots of signs with your name on it!" I said.

"I saw so many of your name! Wow. Congratulations," Camila said.

"Have you met any of the girl yet?" I asked.

"Martha, Cara, Ruby. And miss royalty over there that have you a look." Camila said.

"Yeah I met her already as well." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well she will make entertaining television." Camila said.

"Let's just hope Prince Joe kicks her out quickly." I whispered and Camila laughed.

I continued to talk to Camila as the plane turned on and runs down the runway at a high speed going up onto the air.


Author's Note

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