Chapter 9.

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We all wake up early the next morning and get dressed.

I put on a faded purple dress, the dress is super fluffy and I'm not sure how well I'll be able to walk in it.

The rest of the girls got dressed and we all walked out of the room and down the hallway.

We walk into the dinning room,

"Wow." I said as I looked around the giant ballroom.

"Ladies please take a seat."

"I've never seen this many utensils in my life." Selena said.

"Today you are all learning how to eat properly and using the correct utensils but please don't begin eating just yet. We are still waiting for your hosts to properly welcome you all into their home." The head guard said and all of the girls gasps.

"Oh my god!"

"We are going to meet the royals?? Now?!"

"We are seeing the Prince Joe as well?"

The head guard raises his hand and we all stop talking, "Please no questions you all will get to ask them yourself once they arrive. Remember we are on a very tight schedule." The head guard said and we all stopped talking.

We all learned the correct utensils and where waiting it seemed like all eyes where on me. I know they all secretly hated me after the public's reaction seeing me.

"Ladies please stand to welcome the Royal family and Prince Joe." Another guard said and we all stop and stared as they walked through the room.

We where all so quite you could hear a pin drop.

"Ladies it's an honor to have you all into our homes and potentially win the heart of our son Prince Joe. I know you are all anxious to meet him and his is as well for all of you. I hope you all enjoy our dinner and afterwards Joe will go around the room to properly introduce himself to you all. Now let's dig in." The King said and all of us let out a breathe we where holding in.

I ate quietly not wanting to cause any trouble. I take another bite of our steak. Oh my gosh I can't remember the last time I had steak like this. It's so juicy and tender. I inhaled all of my food and most of the girls hardly tougher their food from nervousness or just lost their appetite all together once we learned we where meeting Joe after.

All of the girls are now standing around talking waiting for Joe to go to to introduce himself and he is already talking to one of the girls.

Oh I already forgotten her name Lizzie? Lilly? Oh Ella!!

"I'm so nervous." Selena said to me.

"Me too." I said.

"I feel like I'm going to barf all of the food I just ate I'm so nervous." Camila said.

"Of course she's not nervous." Cara said glaring over at Kylie.

Kyle walked right up to Joe and Ella, I can't hear what they are saying but Joe probably politely dismissed Ella and is now talking to Kylie.

"I don't know what it is about that girl but there's something I don't like." Cara said.

"Same." The rest of the girls said.

"Yeah she seems like she is going to be trouble." I said.

Joe went around talking to all of the girls,

"Joe's eye's are so beautiful!" Ella said.

"He is very polite." Selena said

"He accent is so attractive." Camila said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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