Chapter 5.

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I woke up early to head to the send off ceremony held in town for me and Abigail and a girl named Amanda Seyfried.

The whole town is here watching our send off and the mayor is having a speech before they send us off,

"I'm so proud that three beautiful young girls get to represent Pennsylvania and hopefully win the heart of Prince Joe." The Mayer said and the crowd cheers.

"Do any of you girls want to say some words?" The Mayer asks turning to us and we all look at each other.

"I'll say some words." I said.

I stand up to the podium and more camera flashes go off and dozens of news networks are probably broadcasts to all of America and to the Palace.

"I'm so lucky and honored to represent Pennsylvania with these two beautiful girls for the Prince and King and Queen. I know only Joe can pick one of us but if it goes down to the three of us I'm so happy to experience this privilege and experience. We hope to make Pennsylvania state proud." I said and the crowd cheers loudly.

The Mayor walks back over to me, "That was wonderful!" The mayor said.

"Your welcome." I said and I walked back to the other girls. 

The Selection ceremony music begins to play and we have to the crowd and pose for the camera's.

"Taylor!" "Abigail!" "Amanda!!" The photographer's shout and they take dozens of pictures of us.

I assume they will be on the cover of the local new's paper and we smile for more pictures.

The staff for the Selection scurry is away from the crowd and takes us to a car to the airport to fly to the palace.

"Hi I'm Amanda." Amanda said and shook my hand.

"Hi I'm Taylor." I said.

"Hi I'm Abigail." Abigail said.

"So you and Abigail know each other?" Amanda asks.

"Yes. We met in high school." Abigail said.

"Wow!" Amanda said.

"I met Taylor because I wanted to know more about her since I saw her perform at our talent show singing and playing the guitar." Abigail said.

"You can sing and play the guitar!?" Amanda asks shocked.

"Yeah. I learned and played since I was twelve." I said.

"I heard you are talented as well. You are an actress?" Abigail asked.

"Yeah I acted in my school play and I've done some commercial's here in town." Amanda said.

"Wow! That's amazing! It's so hard to be an actress." I said.

"Thanks." Amanda said.

"Let's have once last applause for the girls Tennessee's contestants." The mayor said and the crowd cheers.

We all walk off stage and we run to our family's to say goodbye,

"Bye mom bye dad!" I shout and I hug them tightly.

"Good luck sweetheart." Mom said.

"What ever happens we still love you even if you don't get picked." Dad said.

"Thanks dad." I said.

"Bye Taylor." Austin said.

"Bye Austin." I said.

"If you marry him i want the first pick on where my new room is." Austin said and I laughed.

"I'm not sure if that can happen but if I do get picked that will be one of the first rules I change." I did and Austin laughed.

We said our final goodbyes and we where put into a black car with tinted windows and we head to the airport.


Author's Note

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