Chapter 4: Ben Solo

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Hey everyone! So school has started again for me so I may be a little slower with updates but don't worry, I will not abandon this story. I promise!❤️

The Quad Jumper came out of hyperspace before a beautiful green and blue planet.

As the ship descended through a layer of grey clouds, Ben saw sparkling dark water dotted with several green and brown islands.

It was almost sunset for this planet so everything was bathed in orange and yellow hues.

Unlike the harsh worlds the First Order had occupied, this one was alive and thriving.

It was the most beautiful place he had seen in a long time.

"Welcome to Ahch-To." Rey said, noticing Ben's expression of wonderment.

"It's beautiful." He said quietly.

Rey landed the ship on one of the bigger islands and they got off. The air smelled like the ocean and the wind felt good on Ben's face.

"So what now?" He asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could set up first. This is the island your uncle stayed on. It's got the sacred Jedi Tree, this cool meditation cliff, and some little houses we can use." Rey said, the excitement obvious in her voice. She point to some rocky steps leading up the side of the mountain. "They're up this way."

Ben took some supplies and followed Rey up the stairs. After almost falling twice, he reached a plateau where there were about half a dozen stone huts gathered in a circle.

"Here is where we'll sleep." Rey said, "You pick which ever hut you want and get set up, and I'll do the one next to yours."

Ben walked up to a random hut and claimed it as his. Rey took the one next to him and after putting a few things away, she presented him with a bag.

Ben opened it and found a bunch of cloths inside.

"What's this for?" he asked, taking out a shirt and examining it.

"They're extra cloths." Rey replied, "There're for you. You didn't think you'd have to wear what you're wearing now the whole time you were here did you?"

To be honest, Ben hadn't really thought about cloths but now that she mentioned it, he guessed he had thought that. He put the shirt back in the bag and felt a warm, unfamiliar feeling inside.


Rey had gotten him extra cloths without him even asking her too. She just did it out of compassion and kindness. No one had done something like that for him in a long time.

He didn't deserve her.

"Thanks." He said and she smiled.

"No problem. Now it's almost dark and I don't know about you but I'm hungry and tired."

Ben nodded in agreement.

"I'll get a fire started and we can eat some of the rations I brought from the base." Rey said, heading towards her hut, "I plan to start at first light tomorrow. I did pick up a few fishing tricks from Luke while I was here with him, so we won't be eating portion bread and freeze dried vegetables the whole time we're here."

Ben smiled lightly at her as she walked away. He turned around in a circle, taking in the view.

The reason why his uncle turned away from the galaxy and went to this planet was because of him. He wondered what it was like for Luke to live here for years alone. It made Ben feel a little uneasy.

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