Chapter 7: A Secret Unlocked

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"Ok! Let's try it again!" Rey shouted from the small cliff over looking the ocean.

Ben, who was on the beach below, gave Rey a thumbs up and she smiled.

Stepping away from the edge of the cliff, Rey closed her eyes and concentrated the same way she had done before.

For the past few days she and Ben had been attempting to access their Force Bond themselves. They wanted to see if they could open a connection without the Force doing it for them whenever it pleased. So far, it had not worked but they could feel each other's Force signatures so Rey had a feeling they were close.

"Alright, reach out." She said, closing her eyes.

Rey focused on the Force around her letting all else fall away. She searched until she felt a familiar presence tug at her mind and heart.


He was strong and shining with light.

She reached out for him.

She felt him reaching for her.

Rey kept her eyes closed and focused hard.

She felt him getting closer...closer....

Her vision became bright but she kept her eyes closed until...she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Rey's eyes flew open and she looked up to see Ben looking down and smiling from behind her.

"Hey Rey." He said.

"Ben! We did it! We did it!" She exclaimed like a small child overjoyed by a new toy, turning to face him, "You're here!"

"And you're here." Ben said, "How do you feel?"

"A little tired but ok, you?"

"About the same. I think the more we practice the less effort it will take." Ben replied.

"Considering this could have killed us at one point, I think a little fatigue is just fine." Rey said and Ben chuckled.

"Ok I'll see you down at the beach." He said and Rey nodded.

She stepped away from him and let the bond close till she was once again alone on the cliff.

"That was amazing!" Rey said once she'd reached Ben on the beach, "We opened it ourselves!"

Ben smiled at Rey's enthusiasm. The way her eyes lite up when she was happy always made his heart skip a beat.

"You think we should try it again?" he asked.

"Sure!" Rey replied, "Let me just get some water first and then we can do it again. I'd like to see if we can open the bond from even farther away."

"Sounds like a plan." Ben said and followed Rey back up the cliff to her hut.

After Rey got her water they made a plan to split up on either side of the island. It was far away, but Rey gave Ben a com-link that she could talk to him on.

She handed him Luke's old lightsaber too.

"Take this. You'll need it later." She said and Ben knew exactly what she was thinking. They were going to try to recreate the lightsaber pass like they did on Exegol.

They split up, Rey heading for the beach side cliff, while Ben went around the opposite side to the cliff where their ship was stationed. It had stared raining and the wind and ocean were picking up but they just wanted to try it once before heading inside.

"Ok Rey, I'm at the ship." Ben said into the com.

"Ok," Rey said, her voice crackling with the weather interference, "reach out and I'll do the same."

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